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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • I have many citizenships, one specifically for banking. They look at your birthplace but really it’s your passport. They are required to report US citizens, which are passport holders (because you’re outside the US). Having a second passport or third or whatever, doesn’t bring it up. You must falsely claim you are not an American in friendly countries and then you’re fine. They are very aware of renunciation and don’t require proof. The proof of a secondary passport as your primary is all that’s needed. For example you entered the country on your other passport, that’s where your visa is tied to etc.

    The other way with unfriendly countries is even easier. For example if you open a TBank account in Russia, it takes about a day online and they courier you your debit card and bank documents to your hotel. So it requires 2 days in Russia. Even as a US citizen, on a US passport, they do not comply with FACTA. Your accounts and transactions will never be sent to the USA.

    You as an American must still report those assets on your taxes. So again, choose whether you want privacy or being a “white collar criminal”

  • Here’s the thing. It’s every bank that is on the SWIFT network because the US is a terroristic state when it comes to financial spying, sorry “transparency”.

    Demanding KYC and reporting all your transactions via SARs is the standard thing for all banks. The only ones that get away with not having to do it are the manipulative criminals who schmooze there way in with tellers and do transactions that way. But that’s also stopping with the crackdown at large.

    I keep accounts in the US, but I have moved as much as I can out. If you’re in the position where you’ve got high 5 figures or more it may be worth it to setup accounts outside the USA in countries that are hostile to the US banking system. If you are in the position where you can drop $250k on a new citizenship, then get it. Then open accounts under that passport in countries that don’t comply with the US.

    Otherwise, you’re screwed. This is why crypto and BRICs are a big thing.

  • Road trip? Usually week or night of.

    Airline travel within 4 hours, domestic or international is usually 2 days before hand.

    Airline travel across the world is usually planned as a time block a month or two ahead of time. The actual destination and activities being planned as the dates get closer.

    Exceptions are scheduled events. If I have an event to attend in a location, I’ll make a hotel reservation and book tickets for the thing. Then checkup options for travel there. Sometimes it’s part of a multileg journey.

    Often I don’t know where in the world I will even be the week leading up to the thing. So I tend to either not purchase travel tickets, or buy a few different ones from hubs globally that are cheap and easy to get to.

  • I like the idea of Reddit and it works much better than Lemmy. But the moderation and AI scraping make it a no-go site for me anymore which is a shame.

    I love internet forums and have been a mod at some and very high poster at other. But the snowball effect gets them. If there’s no traffic, there’s no posts, so there’s no traffic. You need to have a good community to make it work. One area reddit really shines, small communities exist on a huge platform. Great idea before the enshittification.

    I hate discord and the fact that anyone replaces customer support or fan support pages with it, is just fundamentally broken. The idea of a forum is that the question is asked and archived. 20 years later someone else googles the question and sees the answer and all the replies that lead up to it. That’s what forums are for. In discord you ask a question and 30 seconds later it’s gone forever eaten by useless drivel. Never to be searched or found again. Idiotic.

  • 😂


    Require licensing, registration, live gps tracking, and geofencing with a proprietary app because Freedumb people ruled that’s what the free market needs.

    They then rule, nah. Actually just ban em all.

    And now even if you bought them, buy them elsewhere, or just try to use them on a US device you won’t be able to. Selling them is illegal both from a company and on third party resale if it passes. Even police departments that are using them as spies and have the DJI alerting system installed all over town to track and log everybody in the sky, will need to get rid of it. But I doubt they will, of course it will be exempted for the pigs in blue.

    If you can’t beat em, or even match their capabilities, ban em or implement 100%+ tarrifs. New American motto of the “free” market.

  • People who use and trust Apple, are idiots. They gasp in wonder when they receive such new advances like arranging icons on your screen. Did this with my Palm Pilot in the 90’s and every phone, even Windows Mobile phones on 2002/2003. But now it’s “NEW”!

    Same thing with AI and Apple. Too stupid to actually know any better. But when Daddy Apple says you are going to use it, everyone fawns.

    Sending your data, all of it, to a cloud is not privacy. I guarantee this is part of the content scanning and reporting requirements being seen across the globe. It’s under the public relations marketing to prevent CSAM, human trafficking, drug crimes, etc. But anyone with a brain cell knows that’s not the why. That’s the way it can be sold to fear mongering groups.

  • Then you’re buying shit.

    I use universal with everything and they grip way stronger than default US outlets. Just a fact. Never have a plug hanging out. Works with grounded and ungrounded. I even replaced every outlet in a few of my US houses with universal, they are that awesome. No issues for many years, at least 15 now, with various inputs including well used ones in a kitchen for example with appliances being plugged and unplugged all the time.

    Literally the only thing I like a US plug and socket for, are extension cords. The 5-15 is a great option for a long run. Don’t need a book sized receptacle on one end or a giant cylindrical twisty lock to power a 20W load somewhere.