• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I feel that. I completed a degree that easily leads into being a sysadmin or network engineer, but my paid internship ended and I needed a job, so I snagged the best one I could get immediately, which happened to be as a cloud admin configuring a Salesforce-like SAAS product. The work doesn’t thrill me but the benefits are cushy enough and it seemed to be the best paying opportunity I had at the time (I could tell I was the top applicant for a couple of jobs I was applying to) I work close enough to IT to hear chatter about the things i actually care about and get roped into tasks that are more in line with what i want to do full time, but ultimately that’s not my job right now, so it’s just one offs that keep me thirsting for more.

    But now my needs are shifting and I’m struggling to land an interview for a hybrid role in a city an hour away that I intend to move to. Seems I’m getting the most traction with state jobs (I’m currently “eligible for further consideration” on 3 of them, but have yet to get a call to interview) but I think I can swing it if it just happens to be a tight labor market right now. I’m taking my time to focus on myself as well and try to improve myself outside of work and just enjoy what life has to offer

  • I’ve never understood why they haven’t just provided a method of doing this for all their customers. Like a Google Ad service that meshes together everything on the page with the ads server side, so it’s harder to target them client side.

    The value that Google has always provided as an ad platform is that they’re targeted ads. You can target estimated age, geographic location, gender, estimated income. You can target your ads so narrowly that only a single person ever gets them even.

    To bake ads into the actual content stream they have to expend compute editing and re-rendering the video for as many times as they have ads that they intend to run on those videos. They can do it once with once batch of ads but then it’s only as targeted as who clicks on that video. Realistically they’ll want to do it 5x, 10x or more per video (and store every copie of the video, unless there’s some tech to store it as segments and seamlessly stitch then together as a single stream) to continue targeting the ads which gets very expensive fast

  • My experience when I worked in support for a device manufacturer is that if you get high enough in the support tree and can demonstrate that this effects you (and the support person will also have a matrix of affected devices) you’ll still get a repair/replacement outside of warranty for them bricking your computer with a bad update.

    We had a specific instance where a specific budget model of phone sold by Boost mobile would brick after a specific update for people who had subsidy unlocked it and taken it to a GSM carrier such as T-Mobile (this was shortly pre-merger) or AT&T. This update rolled out about 2.5 years after this devices release, so most customers were ~12 months outside of warranty. Since the scope of affected devices was so narrow our directions from the top was to replace affected devices regardless of warranty status, and the replacement would come with a standard 30 day replacement warranty

    So in short, I would expect HP to repair/replace affected devices that bricked after this BIOS update regardless of warranty status, but I would expect some amount of hassle in terms of reaching a specific support department before you get assistance and standard refusal of service for customer induced physical damage (smashed screen, smashed ports, mashed potatoes in the ports, badly bent, etc.)

  • Its one of the challenges that seriously doesn’t seem to have an easy solution. Like the closest I can think of is a centralized authority that the service can send a identity verification request to that, then the user can sign into the centralized authority and confirm “yes I am the person you requested to verify”

    This would also help with annoying employment verification where I have to bring every document needed to steal my identity to my new employer for them to scan and digitally store indefinitely then return said documents to my safe

  • The fact it is a revenue source has more to do with people not following the law than the system.

    The problem is cities reducing the timings, because it’ll go from green to red without sufficient time to safely stop. The whole purpose of the yellow light is to give you wiggle room to either stop or get through the intersection before the next cycle. If a sudden red forces you to slam on the breaks hard enough to risk being rear ended (or worse in icy conditions risk sliding into the intersection)

    Plus if the timings are tight enough someone trying to stop/complete their menuever might find themselves in the intersection with opposing traffic now trying to enter

    Traffic cameras are just trying to put out a greese fire by throwing water on it. If you don’t know better it seems like a good idea, but in reality it just makes the problem worse