• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No it doesn’t. Here, let me demonstrate:

    I’m accusing you of showing up to my house and kissing my dog (the gay one, not the straight one.)

    There. Is that the truth? According to you it must be, because

    Accusation = truth

    So because it’s true, I demand you restore my dog’s honor by gay marrying him.

    And that’s literally how it works in the US. You can make any allegation you want when filing a civil suit and a judge must decide the validity of your claims. Teixiera has given his side of the story when he filed suit; that’s all we can say for certain at this point. He could be 100% right, he could be bending the truth a little bit, or he could be completely lying about the whole thing- we don’t currently have any more information than that.

  • Yeah, I’m gonna wait a bit before bringing out the pitchforks.

    A plaintiff in a civil suit can allege anything they want, but that doesn’t mean they’re being 100% truthful. Any lawyer will slant the facts as much as possible to make their client look as injured as they can to garner the most sympathy- that’s just lawyering 101. We have his version of events but don’t have Mozilla’s, but the fact that he’s publicly shit-talking the company (rather than let the legal process play out) doesn’t cast him in a good light IMO.

  • You think Google didn’t already think of that? From Youtube’s ToS:

    Right to Monetize

    You grant to YouTube the right to monetize your Content on the Service (and such monetization may include displaying ads on or within Content or charging users a fee for access). This Agreement does not entitle you to any payments. Starting November 18, 2020, any payments you may be entitled to receive from YouTube under any other agreement between you and YouTube (including for example payments under the YouTube Partner Program, Channel memberships or Super Chat) will be treated as royalties. If required by law, Google will withhold taxes from such payments.

  • Yes, and… ?

    You don’t eliminate bigoted and hateful ideology by allowing it to fester in the dark. It must be exposed for all to see.

    These two assholes have succinctly summed up the problem: assholes advocating for a white Christofascist ethnostate are emboldened by the lack of consequences that anonymity provides. Musk doesn’t want freedom of speech, he wants freedom from accountability of speech.

  • Following the publication of this story, X owner Elon Musk reshared a screenshot of it, saying it’s “important to allow people to like posts without getting attacked for doing so!”

    Thin-skinned Nazis don’t like being called Nazis for liking other Nazi content.

    A few weeks ago, X’s director of engineering, Haofei Wang, said the upcoming change is meant to protect users’ public image — because “many people feel discouraged” to like “edgy” content.

    That’s the fucking point, Wang. Nazis should be discouraged from liking other Nazi content. Society shouldn’t tolerate bigots, much less embolden them- the way you and your boss want to do.

  • That’s because a good search engine is diametrically opposite of advertising.

    • A good search engine shows you only what you want to see and shows it quickly.

    • Advertising shows you want its sponsors want you to see, for as long as possible.

    Good free-to-the-user search engines aren’t profitable. Advertising is massively profitable. Google can only try to thread that needle for so long before our “line must go up infinitely” corporate culture forces them to sacrifice the one for the other.

    And that’s just talking about Google itself, not even mentioning the issue with SEO and how human nature causes websites to game the system to be more visible.

  • according to the article Gabe only owns about 25% of the company

    The source for that number is the same Xitter that made up the rumor in the first place:

    Insights from Dior, a prominent figure in the Counter-Strike community, reveal that Gabe Newell owns less than 25% of Valve.

    Valve is not a public company. Unless Dior is on the board of Valve, or know someone who is, he doesn’t know the makeup of the ownership structure. Wikipedia cites a Forbes article that says Gabe owns “more than half” of Valve, although that article was published in 2011 so it’s possible that’s changed.