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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Eh, I think it’s good to make sure kids don’t pin their self esteem on anything overly tangible.

    Grades are something that’s inherently tied to cultural capital. If your parents are able to teach you the skills needed to succeed in academic subjects, you’re going to do better. Pinning kids’ self worth to grades often leads to kids with disadvantages like a disrupted home life becoming disillusioned with the education system and suffering as a result.

    I got good grades; I do not think the grades themselves are anything to be especially proud about. What’s more important is the effort that went into getting them, and that’s something more worth focusing on.

    A parent saying they think their kid is cool is a value judgement from their perspective. They have a child they enjoy spending time with and with whom they have a good relationship. That’s something that I think anyone can get behind.

  • What? House of Lords has no legislative power – only the power of delay. If anything in recent years they’ve worked to frustrate the excesses of this Tory government (not that I necessarily approve of the Lords as an institution).

    It’s got far more to do with a rabid right wing media and a Tory party that builds their election strategy on ‘culture war’ identity politics over actual policy.

    But anyway, reality is that London and Paris have pretty similar levels of transit – working in transport, my opinion is that it’s internal transport links within other cities that need most investment and work.

  • I agree, and am in favour of decriminalisation of marijuana, but I will present the argument against as I think it’s more nuanced than some people will make out.

    Alcohol is a substance that is indelibly intertwined with our culture and rituals. Our socialising at bars, pubs and clubs; our celebrations (champagne!); and our meals (taking a bottle of wine to dinner with friends). Marijuana, by contrast, is in the UK a relatively new introduction. It doesn’t currently serve the same social function.

    If each were to do the same level of damage and carry the same risk, it wouldn’t make sense to spend your political capital trying to ban alcohol (look at how prohibition turned out!) as it’s simply too deeply ingrained in our culture to try. But you could seek to prevent marijuana from reaching the same level of cultural necessity through stigma and criminalisation.

    From a public health perspective, this would make sense; less cost to health services from related health conditions. So you don’t decriminalise, and at the same time take reasonable steps to try to reduce the harm to public health caused by alcohol.

    Where I think this argument falls down is in the criminalising aspect. Does it truly prevent weed from reaching that status, and are your disincentives targeting the right people? To me it seems far more sensible to treat people as adults and educate them on the health risks of both alcohol and the devil’s lettuce.