• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • I think it will be better. I think trump will lose. I’ll graduate in December, I just got married, and we’re going to move out of my in-laws house sometime in the spring trading suburbia for a coastal urban city. I’m going to make new friends and have kids and ask them questions which will prepare them to be good and thoughtful citizens and whatever else they choose to become.

    At this point you may, and rightly so, assume that mine are rose tinted glasses. However as a hobbiest student of history I’ve come to the conclusion that the world is always on fire. Humanity tends to have a bias towards bad news, and there is plenty of bad news around, but cynicism only incentivizes inaction. If we want to give the world the best chance for happiness in our time, to honor the legacy of those forebears who strove to build the better world of today, then we have to acknowledge the good.

    This doesn’t mean ignoring the bad, or giving up on the better, but we have to immerse ourselves in the electrifying notion that civilization has moved over the past 200+ years gradually, with new and terrible acts of inhumanity along the way, toward better lives for the average human. We have a duty to fight for that trend so that we in our old age can scoff at the perceived slights of our progeny as our parents and elders do now. The disconnect between the generations in some ways can stand as a testament to the progress that has been achieved.

    They don’t make cardboard like they used to so I’m going to get off my soap box before it sloughs into a pile of microplastics.

  • So sort of: the 3g is part of a standard for data rates, but the difficulty, comes in that networks are not homogeneous. Similarly to how you might be familiar with 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz WiFi signals. As a general rule of thumb the higher the frequency the more data you can send but with more attenuation so the signal can be blocked more easily and cannot travel as far, whereas the inverse is true for lower frequencies. So while the generations did make some changes in terms of protocols— it also came with higher frequency emitters which can theoretically carry more data. Other changes include MIMO antennas which do beam forming to make more of the energy go in the direction of a user using constructive and destructive interference from an array of antennas to accomplish this. However marketing people are always very eager to adopt technical terms and inflate them into oblivion. However some of this can be attributed to honest misunderstanding within a company.

  • The closest I can come to agreeing with you is community service as a punishment or as a means to reduce one’s sentence. However, especially given what constitutes a crime is some of the bad states, and the evidence of coercion for working these jobs, it seems as those there is a perverse incentive to keep people working for little pay. At the very least, this work, if not something you have to volunteer for, should be assigned as part of the punishment from the court, deducting it against the other punishments levied against them: being in prison for xyz amount of time, or paying xyz fine, but this seems like it would need to be well regulated to avoid abuse.