More like when does orange become red/yellow to you imo
More like when does orange become red/yellow to you imo
Elon is the tech version of Murdoch and is more dangerous because of his worldwide access through Twitter. Unfortunately the extremists will have more of a voice and propaganda will overwhelm the media. Since the media is controlled by billionaires they have no interest in exposing them
I recently added a printer to my PC. Having to launch that antique spooler window from like Windows 3.1 to print is a bit hilarious
The Dr said my foot was squished like stepping on a grape and you can’t put the grape back together again. But I’m so thankful to have a foot and leg at all after that so I appreciate what I have not what I don’t have, even though it does get burdensome when pain or lack of movement is high
I don’t post a lot but I have a lot of free time due to being T-boned on my motorcycle from someone running a red light. My mobility has been seriously restricted since. When I was working full time and posting a lot on Reddit I was training corporate engineering sw. When I wasn’t training I had a lot of time on my hands at work so I’d scroll reddit. I was also traveling a lot so I was away from home and reddit was sort of my travel family
The answer is in there, maybe if you squint a bit you can see it. I was also fairly sure I was getting laid off a few times and continued to do my stuff and kept staying around.
I’ve been 90% sure I was getting laid off a few times. I contracted to one of the big 3 auto companies in engineering/IT and head count reductions were pretty common. Three times it was our department getting cut. I was not overly expensive, did a lot of stuff to fill in gaps, and found ways to improve our teams so I always thought even if something happened to this team I could always land on another team. Once when we were at a site loading engineering sw on the servers my boss asked if I would mind training the sw to the plant the next day. I ended up switching from installs to training and did that for almost 20 years. I was originally hired as a systems analyst. I ended my career working in a manufacturing plant supporting the sw I trained and installed. One of the advantages of working for a large company is they have so many roles to fill and once you learn all the processes/systems you have value at a base level that can be used in many positions
Not all of my Ad On’s are for YT, but yes I run a JS blocker and also block video’s and sound on all sites except YT
I run uOrigin, flashblock, JS disabled, No Overlays, and DDG’s privacy ad on’s and I have no problems with YT
No large manufacturing and very rough country. I’d also guess a lot of the tourism is based in Madrid and Barcelona. I’ve looked at touring S. Spain and transportation is a bit difficult unless you bus or drive everywhere. I found this map that may be relevant.
For desktop motherboards I’ve usually gone MSI but my gaming laptop is an Asus and is a little over a year old. It’s worked perfect since I got it and I’ve had zero problems with it. The Nvidia GPU and laptop fans sure do sing when I’m playing games though
I got my first notification on my Win10 Pro box today about support ending too
Boston, the Cars, but there are so many one hit wonders imo
Michigander so it was all in the Great Lakes or smaller bodies of water. It was mostly a fishing boat
Mine was a compilation of my wife and daughter’s name; Elisae and as a nod to my Norwegian heritage it was the Norse Elisae. It was only a 22’ though
I also run disabling addons for java script and flash as well as an overlay remover in Firefox
The best selling video game was all text with zero graphics; Zork.
If I really wanted to keep it I wouldn’t use glue I’d put part of a balloon or a finger from a glove on the spatula and force it back in. IMO any kitchen utensil that’s 2 parts like this will always fail quickly. I believe that’s a force fitting with ridges intended to keep it in so slightly enlarging the piece that goes in will recreate the tight fit
I contracted to one of the big 3 for over 30 years. When we decided to quit making cars and focus on trucks, SUV’s, and crossovers it seemed like they were giving up future numbers for short term profit. It’s obvious small electric cars are the future but our big 3 want to ignore that. Blaming the lost market share on small cars from China disregards that they chose to leave that market. Of course Asia would step into that market and fill it