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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Hey so there’s some echo-chambery stuff going on in Lemmy right now, so I want to provide some clarification:

    1. The court decision did not create a new law. It provided clarity on laws already in place. Presidential immunity is not a new thing. It’s a well established power. See: Clinton v. Jones (1997), United States v. Nixon (1974), United States v. Burr (1807), Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982), Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)

    2. The court decision does not expand on the law either, it clarifies that:

    The President has some immunity for official acts to allow them to perform their duties without undue interference. However, this immunity does not cover:

    • Unofficial acts or personal behavior.

    • Criminal acts, (to include assassination).

    The decision reaffirms that the President can be held accountable for actions outside the scope of their official duties. It does not grant blanket immunity for all actions or allow the President to act as a dictator.

    People who are giving opinions based on what they read on Lemmy instead of going and reading the supreme court opinion that is totally online and right here for you to reference are spreading misinformation and fear.

  • It may not be intentional, not plenty of women feel harmed, belittled, and ignored by the use of language like that. So we should stop using it. It doesn’t add anything, and it does, in fact, harm people.

    I understand your concern about the unintentional harm that gendered language can cause. While it’s true that language can affect people in non-obvious ways and I support the idea of being mindful of our words and reducing gendered language where possible, I also think it’s important to balance this with context and intent.

    And for the record, it’s not the meme, it’s the title of the post

    The title is a spin on the “Fellas, is it gay…” meme

  • The comparison to modern travel is a bit off though… The vast, VAST, majority of humanity would never travel further than a few villages over in their entire lifetime. The ‘mixing’ of cultures isn’t nearly as pronounced as you’re suggesting. Consider that even medieval “France” was made up of over 6 distinct cultures with often different languages.

  • DNS engineer here.

    It’s always DNS because no one wants to hire us. We’re prima donnas that don’t work much and demand large salaries. Companies think they can get away with having some random network guy “learn a bit of DNS” and it works!!.. For a while… Then it fails catestrophically and the DNS engineer that was let go to “save costs” smugly watches them crash and burn. The job is super easy and simple until you’re 48 hours into troubleshooting and the CTO is lighting money on fire trying to get the network back online. A big company can easily burn a DNS engineers 10 years salary in costs if they have a single large DNS failure (security or downtime).