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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • PDFs are… Not an image format? It’s a document format that is difficult to edit, and thus mostly meant to be read-only, but a document nonetheless.

    An image viewer can’t open a pdf, unless for some ungodly reason it also has a whole pdf reader built into it, which just sounds inane. Defaulting to a browser is icky, and I think stems from browsers having gotten good PDF support before Microsoft could figure it out. This is something that ideally belongs to a reader, either dedicated to PDF, or supporting similar formats, be it documents or ebooks.

    That’s like saying that a 3D project file is basically an image format, if it’s built to be rendered out from a viewpoint into an image.

  • That’s not really right, because verifying solutions is usually much easier than finding them. A calculator that can take in arbitrary sets of formulas and produce answers for variables, but is sometimes wrong, is an entirely different beast than a calculator that can plug values into variables and evaluate expressions to check if they’re correct.

    As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure that argument would also make quantum computing pointless - because quantum computers are probability based and can provide answers for difficult problems, but not consistently, so you want to use a regular computer to verify those answers.

    Perhaps a better comparison would be a dictionary that can explain entire sentences, but requires you to then check each word in a regular dictionary and make sure it didn’t mix them up completely? Though I guess that’s actually exactly how LLMs operate…

  • People are ignoring that just the act of playing the game can be fun. On top of that, getting better yourself or pulling off certain maneuvers can be fun, or even appreciating what the opponents are doing. I had a lot of fun playing rocket league with a friend, even if outmatched, and getting scored on an opponent who pulled off an aerial into top corner made me appreciate what they just did.

    Maybe also take a page from dwarf fortress players: Losing is fun!

  • Don’t get me wrong, I know, I might not have been clear enough.

    I do not think Palworld reflects negatively on steam deck - I was originally wrong, I didn’t check what I was talking about, and edited my comment after I read your reply.

    What I meant is, in cases where proton does fail, it does reflect negatively on the steam deck. It’s not a statement of fact, and no longer relevant to the original message, but I was upholding that opinion from my original comment.

  • I mean, it kinda is a deck problem, in that it affects the steam deck’s capabilities as a gaming device. Apparently I misunderstood, I thought it was a proton issue where it’s just Palworld leaking memory? If you know what you’re doing you might be able to fix that issue, but for most users it ends on “this game doesn’t work on the steam deck”.

    That said, I do believe valve (and all the other contributors to wine, dxvk, etc.) are doing work to make more games work on Linux, and they’ve done an amazing job so far