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Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Makes me think of the novel cryptonomicon where the guy had to encrypt and decrypt every message on his finex (may be misremembering that one) laptop.

    For those that aren’t familiar it’s from the late 90s so tech is dated but a pretty fun novel that deals with cryptography, by Neal Stephenson, long but enjoyable.

  • According to a few Google searches it was a physisict Hugh Everett in the late 50s. I am sure there were others in more meta and philosophical concepts in the past but I get the idea he is the known physicist to come up with it.

    Disclaimer I didn’t read a lot but his name came up a few times and I assume he had a theory that could relate to physics at the time.

    I still like that Flash was probably the first for pop culture, when weird time travel started happening in other shows (after deep into Flash recent series) I started joking it was just Barry messing up crap between the multiverse and time.

  • First year programming in the late 90s … segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You’d still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren’t really taught your point of the comment at the time.

    Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

  • You know this isn’t comparable to an aRPG I hope. It’s more comparable to DnD on a computer, so a cRPG. They really have minimal in common besides leveling up and finding gear, though aRPGs make you grind for gear, a cRPG will let you find it through various means. It’s a story game more than killing things game, some of the best outcomes happen when you don’t kill. I don’t play on PlayStation so can’t comment on the bugs but haven’t found many in my many hours on PC even through beta.

  • Software devs and designers usually fall under IT is my understanding but I can see why many people/places would make the distinction. Especially for companies that only write software, their IT would more be the infrastructure, but if they’re only writing software for in house use that’s more on the IT side. I could be completely wrong about this too, just how I saw them grouped.

  • Would it be that complicated if people knew the lunar cycle, especially since the lunar cycle is fairly static? Not everyone I’m sure but those that needed a better time would probably understand and pass that knowledge along for the night folk. Of course depends when in technology we’re talking but I’d assume we humans understood those cycles pretty early for our survival, not in depth but they got the idea the lunar cycle didn’t change like the seasons did and adjust as needed. I haven’t read up on it so I’ll be glad to hear more info.

  • Her claim was that she couldn’t work or play with her kids for five years though. Tossing trees seems like a pretty excessive activity compared to some light playing with kids or light work.

    Part of me does agree since I had terrible fatigue for a few years, some days were better than others so I understand wanting to do more when you feel better but if you’re in the middle of a claim to pay out 650K then it may be better to know your limits. Especially for back and neck injuries. She could have played with her kids in that time instead which is what she was concerned about for the claim.