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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Do you want to just block all sound or do you want the extra features that come with active noise cancellation headphones like speech passthrough? What you are proposing doesn’t exist because it makes no sense, active noise cancellation is done by recording the audio outside the headphone, inverting the amplitude and attempting to align the phase to cancel it out in real time.

    In reality active noise cancellation only works for more or less constant sounds below 1000Hz, anything higher than that and the headphones block exactly as much noise as any other pair of sealed headphones.

    You will get better noise reduction with IEMs than headphones, deep insertion headphones like Etymotic beat the pants off Bose for noise isolation at every frequency, are cheaper, and as a plus sound better than any noise cancelling set you can buy.

  • This is an unpopular opinion every time I bring it up. Usability and consistency sucks in Linux. There are just so many basic things that will frustrate users coming from Windows. I can’t even get my laptop (Framework 13) to sleep properly. Then there are is still a ton where you have to use the command line to get it done. A user shouldn’t have to go into the command line to get their fingerprint reader to work because the GUI doesn’t work properly.

    The only thing that actually makes Linux practical for average users these days is that most everything is now web based by default so most users only interact with a couple programs for most of their day.

    The Linux community really needs to get some UX experts in their projects and actually make an effort to improve usability rather than just doing it the way they like to do it.