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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • That’s probably okay! =) There’s some level of pragmatism, depending on the sort of project you’re working on.

    If it’s a big app with lots of users, you should use automation because it helps reliability.

    If there are lots of developers, you should use automation because it helps keep everyone organised and avoids human mistakes.

    But if it’s a small thing with a few devs, or especially a personal project, it might be easier to do without :)

  • Sure, but having a hands-off pipeline for it which runs automatically is where the value is at.

    Means that there’s predictability and control in what is being done, and once the pipeline is built it’s as easy as a single button press to release.

    How many times when doing it manually have you been like “Oh shit, I just FTPd the WRONG STUFF up to production!” - I know I have. Or even worse you do that and don’t notice you did it.

    Automation takes a lot of the risk out.

  • I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the program at all =)

    Modern webapp deployment approach is typically to have an automated continuous build and deployment pipeline triggered from source control, which deploys into a staging environment for testing, and then promotes the same precise tested artifacts to production. Probably all in the cloud too.

    Compared to that, manually FTPing the files up to the server seems ridiculously antiquated, to the extent that newbies in the biz can’t even believe we ever did it that way. But it’s genuinely what we were all doing not so long ago.

  • As a developer who has worked on similar systems, I can see why it likely ended up that way. Not justifying it, only understanding it.

    In the case of banks, it’s likely that;

    • They needed to make 2FA mandatory for all customers, rather than opt-in. This means they needed an MFA method which a person of any technical competency can use. SMS is the “lowest common denominator” here, so they chose it.

    • The cost of sending SMS messages is high, but banks are (unsurprisingly) rich and can afford it

    It would be great if banks offered better MFA methods, but development time in old-school banks is often ridiculously long as it is a very risk-averse industry that is also slowed down a lot by bureaucracy. It’s likely they would choose something else on the roadmap, and stick with SMS as simply “good enough”

  • That Cloudflare were justifiably unhappy with the situation and wanted to take action is fine.

    What’s not fine is how they approached that problem.

    In my opinion, the right thing for Cloudflare to do would have been to have an open and honest conversation and set clear expectations and dates.


    "We have recently conducted a review of your account and found your usage pattern far exceeds the expected levels for your plan. This usage is not sustainable for us, and to continue to provide you with service we must move you to plan x at a cost of y.

    If no agreement is reached by [date x] your service will be suspended on [date y]."

    Clear deadlines and clear expectations. Doesn’t that sound a lot better than giving someone the run-around, and then childishly pulling the plug when a competitor’s name is mentioned?

  • From my own experience as someone living in the UK, probably two reasons, for those countries at least.

    1. Early adoption of the iPhone in the US vs UK
    2. Different price structures between US and UK

    In the 2000s, most people who liked to message a lot in the UK (generally young people and teens) were on pay-as-you-go ‘top up’ plans where each individual message had a cost. SMS messages cost anything from 1 pence to 5 pence, and I remember on my plan, MMS (picture messages) cost a ridiculous 12 pence each! It was expensive. Most people (and especially younger people) had Android phones, and so as soon as a credible Internet-based messenger became popular, people flocked in droves to jump to it. It was WhatsApp in the UK which won that race, and it remains the de-facto messenger to this day.

    Things were different in the US. The iPhone got a huge early foothold in sales, and iMessage became dominant simply by being first to market and gaining critical mass. It was also more common (versus the UK) for people to be on contract plans that had SMS and MMS included as part of the plan cost, so even for people who didn’t have iPhones there was less financial incentive to dump those technologies, and SMS remained prevalent.

  • The article talks about factors like type of game and advancements in technology, but doesn’t mention what is surely a big factor - the age of their audience.

    My personal intuition is that 10 to 20 years is the sweet spot because those people who played the original as a teenager will now be in their 20s and 30s, where they have disposable income and plenty of desire to spend it on reliving those happy childhood memories.

    If you wait too long for a remake, the market will shrink again because those original players will be more likely to have family, other commitments, and less time to game.

  • As someone who now prefers digital, but grew up with mostly analog, I think I can understand what your teacher was trying to say, and it’s really a difference in how the brain is interpreting time itself.

    When your internal mental state of time is represented in numbers, then analog clocks feel awkward and clunky, because to use them you have to look at the clock, think “okay the big hand is here, the little hand is there, so that’s 7:45. School starts at 8, so 15 mins to school”. It’s like having to translate through a foreign language and then back to your own.

    For people who use analog clocks almost exclusively, as I did in childhood, then your concept of time actually begins to become directly correlated to the position of the hands themselves. Not the numbers the hands are pointing at, but the shape the hands make on the clock face. I think what your elementary teacher was trying to say is that the clock itself becomes a direct physical representation of the ‘size’ of time.

    Someone whose brain is working like that looks at an analog clock and immediately thinks “It’s quarter to school” - without any numbers being involved at all. In fact you could completely remove all numbers and markings from the clock face, and the physical comprehension of time would still function equally as well for that person.

    So yeah, I understand why analog is bad for people who don’t like it, but I think I see the appeal for people who do.

  • tiramichu@lemm.eetome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    4 months ago

    Yeah, naming things is really difficult!

    The most truthful thing to call it would be “Temporary Session” but that name requires an understanding of what a ‘session’ is, in terms of a container that scopes your locally-stored browsing data. It’s immediately comprehensible to tech-types, but probably meaningless to the average user.

    There’s not really any name that can accurately and succinctly describe what Incognito or private browsing actually does in a way that a normal person will understand from the name alone, but Amnesia mode is a good suggestion at one!

  • tiramichu@lemm.eetome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    4 months ago

    Incognito mode is such a terrible choice of name for this feature, and Firefox’s “private browsing” name is almost as bad.

    To the average non-techie user, ‘incognito’ implies being anonymous. And when you go anonymous then nothing you do is linked to your real identity, right?


    In real-world analogy terms, it’s more like using a pen-name as an author. Members of the public might not know the person behind the mask, but your publisher (ISP) and your agent (Google) certainly do.

    Pretty obvious why people would get the wrong idea.

    As a developer, my primary use-case for incognito is a new session to test a site with clean state, or - in absolutely dire circumstances - to cheat at Wordle.

  • You’re being downvoted, but I think its because of how you said it, rather than what you meant.

    It’s actually very true that human brains often do poorly at understanding volume.

    I used to work in a bar, and we had two different shapes of glasses. One was shorter than the other but slightly fatter. Both glasses held exactly 1 pint, but customers always thought the shorter glass was smaller.

    And that is exactly the point.

    Manufacturers are depending on psychological tricks like these to give a false impression of how much product they are selling, and it works.

    That’s why we should look at the labels.