The US is supporting Israel through what we can mostly all agree is a genocide of the Gazans. Clearly, Biden isn’t a genocidal maniac, yet he’s all in with unwavering support. Why are we doing this? There has to be a logical reason that isn’t just “we want Israel to kill everyone in Gaza and take their land a la lebensraum.”

We know this is an emotional topic, so please be respectful of each other so that we can have open and clear authentic discussion on the matter.

    7 months ago

    Understand this, all reading this thread, though:

    The DarkHexad of human-evil’s dimensions, is:

    • Narcissism
    • Machiavellianism
    • Sociopathy ( mentally/experientially induced ) / Psychopathy ( intrinsic defective mirror-neurons function, NO empathy, NO other is “human” )
    • Nihilism
    • Sadism
    • SystemicDishonesty

    The more abused some population is, the more they become embedded in DarkHexad mind/meaning.

    Hamas went nihilist.

    They knew that Israel’d commit to genociding all Palestinians, to all the extent they could, and that’s why they did the attack.

    Israel’s now is demonstrating its nihilism/sadism so blatently that their “deterrent” is being permanently corroded-away:

    Within a few years, the surrounding Muslim region won’t care how much damage/violence Israel does to them while they’re annihilating Israel, they’ll HAVE TO annihilate Israel, at ANY cost.

    Israel’s guaranteeing its own within-decade annihilation.

    Exactly as Hamas’ ( either unconsciously or consciously ) strategy determined.

    Israel walked into the trap, they ate the bait.

    2 millenia ago, the ONLY Jew in the world that no Zionist would tolerate to have any validity, Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph, warned that when the abomination Daniel spoke-of was becoming real, that Israel would be annihilated.

    ( Matt 24, iirc … here, I dug it up, just in case anybody wants to read the actual text: )

    Perfect & correct warning.

    Within 1 decade, Israel’s going to be annihilated, exactly as benJoseph warned, and the Zionists, themselves, are the ones enforcing that no alternative-future can happen.

    Comical, really: one’s-own ideology/prejudice absolutely determining one’s fate, in a way that makes one’s most-hated-individual proven-right.

    “Deterrent” only works when the ones hating your life are hesitating because of their aversion to the harm you can do them.

    Israel’s not going to have any “deterrent” soon.

    And they’re too ideology/prejudice rabid to know that simple human-nature meaning.

    When, in a decade, perhaps less, Israel’s been annihilated, how is the rest of the Middle East, now committed/allied with BRICS, going to tilt the world’s geopolitical table?

    No matter: Trump’s already said he’ll “delete” the constitution, leave NATO, back Russia, create crime in Washington DC, be dictator, & “MAGA”, right?

    That is going to happen, unfortunately, and the incompetence of the Biden-institution is playing directly into handing the entire US into Trump-cult’s hands.

    The economic rug-pull that they’re delaying can’t be held-back forever, either.

    Backlash-vote always torpedoes the incumbents, in that situation.

    It doesn’t even matter if legalism “prohibits” Trump becoming GEOTUS, now: legalists ignore all the letter-of-the-law that contradicts their intention, …

    … and that is sooo traditional for legalists that benJoseph railed against their doing that 2 millenia ago.

    Something like “you who hold the letter-of-the-law rules, who ignore even 1 part, are guilty of ALL”, iirc.

    That is exactly the nature of the legalism of nowadays.

    The real game going-on is that human-unconscious-ignorance is trying to enforce a simplistic “mythic” “importance” through global tantrum/pogrom.

    And arguing with humanity’s unconscious-toddler … requires a bit of rather-brutal experience-induced-understanding enforcement, and that isn’t going to happen until “armageddon” has beaten that understanding into our unconscious.

    The Great Filter.

    Won’t-grow-up is the most-fundamental religion, in our unconscious.

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