I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Cool! Check this out…

    The following is a list of the first two rivers by outflow and the Mississippi in acre-foot:

    River Outflow (ac-ft/s)
    Amazon 181.6
    Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna 35.6
    Mississippi 17.3

    Crazy that the top is over 5 times more than the next one 😮. The largest outflow in North America and the one I’ve seen in person is the Mississippi, which is only 9.5% the outflow of the Amazon. The Amazon is over 10 times more than the Mississippi, which I thought was humongous in person 😮.

    On to sewers, which is what one of the uses for the acre-foot according to your quote. The following is a list wastewater generated by location:

    Location Generation (ac-ft/s)
    Asia 5,073.6
    NA & Europe 2,124.6
    All 3 Continents 7,198.2

    So the outflow of the Mississippi alone is greater than twice the wastewater of Asia, North America, and Europe combined 😮!

    My math may need to be checked 😬

  • One thing I had to learn was that if I asked someone out and they said no or didn’t reciprocate wasn’t a loss or rejection.

    Not only that, but you dodged a bullet. I thank women when they respectfully reject me. It’s awesome.

    Also, think about all the times you were turned down. Does any of that matter now?? Nope. No one involved cares at all if they even remember. I think something that might help with this is for OP to place themselves in a position where they reject others. They could experience the other side and see that it’s not a bad thing. It’s just that they think it’s not for them and nothing else. And even in the rare chance that the rejection is seen as something else by the rejecting person, then even better because that’s not just dodging a bullet but dodging an artillery shell.

  • This is me. I’ve never said, “This is too much garlic.”

    Fun fact: I tend to get obsessed with eating the same thing for months. One of those obsessions was kettle-cooked salt & vinegar chips. I’m talking about a large bag before bed every 2 days. I did this for about 3-6 months. During that period, I had a regular primary care check up with routine blood work. My cholesterol came back terrible. My HDL was too low and LDL was too high. It was so bad that the doctor told me that they were putting me on Lipitor eventho I was in 37/38 years old and otherwise athletic shape.

    I argued with the doc explaining that I could fix it on my own with diet. We negotiated and the compromise was that I had 3 months to fix it. In 3 months, we would run blood work again. If it was still high, Lipitor time. I cut off all chips and started eating raw garlic however I could with meals. I would mostly use a garlic press and marinate it in olive oil. Then, I would drip a lot of this on rice, beans, pasta, pizza… anything that would go good with raw garlic. When we ran the blood work again, I was in the clear with completely healthy cholesterol levels, both HDL and LDL.

    I don’t know if the garlic had anything to do with it, or if it was merely just abstaining from the chips, but something worked. If you’re dealing with cholesterol issues and don’t want to be on meds, maybe consider eating raw garlic. It might help, and even if it doesn’t, it’s delicious 🤤