For some reason I’ve just never liked Spider-Man. He comes off as a whiney, ignorant child that never seems to grow up or mature despite everything he goes through. I love a good coming of age story, but he just never seems to become an adult.

    5 months ago

    Yeah, out of all of the superheroes that have the spotlight, Hulk’s is one I just don’t find as special as others. His stories are all bland and limited. His rogue gallery of opponents aren’t even challenging because he easily defeats all of them and there are so few that were memorable.

    And the way his powers work is laughable, because the only way he ever gets strong is just by being angrier? It’s totally unimaginative and soundingly lazy. Like it sounds thought of by some angry internet user who dreams of getting angry and strong to “git back at them internet bullies!” kind of deal.