• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Atheism is bad for science because atheists tend tend to present science as a belief system that’s in completion with religion.

    Science is about discovering how things work, while religion is about thinking about why. These are different questions.

    There is of course some intersection between science and religion, but atheist seek to artificially widen that intersection to create conflict. To prove religion wrong “because science.”

    This has an effect of pushing religious people away from science. But atheists don’t care that they’re hurting science, because the goal is to win petty internet arguments (many of which are imaginary) rather than promote scientific understanding.

    My reaction to a post like the above would be to explain that science is not about disproving God, it’s simply about gaining a better understanding of the universe. Since it’s a religious person, we could also explain that understanding the universe is a way of appreciating God’s creation. That person could walk away thinking more positively about science and willing to learn more about it.

    But an atheist will just mock the person to gain imaginary internet points and that person would go on being distrustful of science.

    Atheism is bad for science.