The map contains exact locations of homocides from the 2000s to now. You can zoom in far enough to see the neighborhood the murder(s) happened in. I’m sorry that the site is primarily in Norwegian, but you should still be able to zoom around. Wonder of there’s a global map that’s that detailed.
What the fuck happened to Oslo?
1/5th of norway’s population lives in Oslo which is why the homocide rates seem inflated on that map
Did you mean Homicide map, or is it indeed called a Homocide map?
I don’t know, were all the victims gay guys?
I think they were all homo sapiens.
What a homogenous group.
I can say with confidence that at least some call it homocide map, with the evidence you’ve provided. 🧐
It’s time to light up this map! /s
Yes officer, this comment right here.
People live in cities.
The post is about the existence of the interactive map
With the data I have at hand, people mostly seem to die in them.
People die in cities.*
So what you’re saying is that cities were made by governments in order to control the population, and to some degree reduce overcrowding? /s
Most people die in hospitals. – Avoid hospitals if you value your life. /s
All people that have died were at one point living. Avoid living at all costs.
Ah yes. Why did I not think of that
I’ll believe it when i see it
Look with your special eyes!
The brown one?
The closer you are to Denmark the more murderous you become…
Out of envy of their happiness. You only become more murderous the closer you get while still being outside of Denmark, as soon as you enter the country the murderous part of your brain detaches from the rest and slides into your mouth, which explains the way they talk.
as soon as you enter the country the murderous part of your brain detaches from the rest and slides into your mouth, which explains the way they talk.
That made me actually laugh out loud. Thanks; I needed that.
Per year or all time?
Last week
All time from 2000 - 2024
All I see is
Didn’t know the Na’vi had anti-aircraft weapons.
we learned our lesson the first time, time to put more cops in the dark areas where murders will cripple Norway permanently
As long as Norway stays off the ground
The UK has something similar but you can search by all types of crime
When you’re logged out, you can only access data on antisocial people, like logged out of society.
Love the accidental metaphor
I’m already signed up as I’m house hunting and I tried this to get a vague idea of where to move to.
This is what it looks like for England/Wales
No statistics for Manchester, though. I haven’t looked into why that’s a thing.
A small section of Central London. It only tells you the rate vs the national average. The red in the population box at the top showing that crime here is more than 3x the national average (it doesn’t show any higher figures)
Wow, look how safe Sweden is! Not a single red dot!
Looks like a Swede crossed the border one time and was immediately murdered by a Norwegian.
Hmm, that’s weird, they missed one.
Now I want to know how many murders happened across Jo Nesbø’s novels compared to the actual number of murders in Norway.
Looks like there is a little bit of space for a new “northernmost” murder left; southernmost is already a done deal.
Lots of nazis in the south for real.
Well… It’s not “Norway has a map of murders”, but a newspaper in Norway has made a map of murders in Norway.
This documentary was inspired by the murder of Gunnar Gunnarssonsson:
You got me.
Lol if you actually want a good documentary check this out
What the island halfway down the shaft that’s way off the mainland?