• Varyk@sh.itjust.works
    15 days ago

    If the point of getting a job is so that you can eventually retire one day, and you know what you want to do when you retire, you should start doing what you want to do now while you can enjoy it.

    Similarly, If you feel like the place you were born in makes you unhappy, move to a different place. There are so many places.

        • boredtortoise@lemm.ee
          15 days ago

          Maybe, maybe not. For now all the approaches I’ve found out, heard, ideated have glaring problems, are very unique to the person, or rely on external factors not available to all.

          I’ll always appreciate new concrete information or solution guides, but lack of trying isn’t the pitfall.

          • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            15 days ago

            No maybe about it in my experience, I’ve encountered that exact concern hundreds of times, exclusively from people who haven’t tried.

            What concrete information or solution guides are you looking for, the first or second of my suggestions?

              • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                15 days ago

                I wrote out the easiest solution in another comment in this thread.

                If you’re a native English speaker, you can go work for $20 to $30 an hour for 10-20 hours a week a few months and then live for a year or more in dozens of countries on the savings.

                There are many other solutions to quitting working, but that is the easiest one that you can start tomorrow and be finished within 2 or 3 months.

                If you have more specific criteria for quitting working, I can give advice specific to you.

                • boredtortoise@lemm.ee
                  15 days ago


                  Geographical numbers vary but let’s say an office worker needs something between 1200–2700 eurodollars per month for expenses. They might have a loan on their housing or they might rent. Maybe they have some hundreds, or even a few ten thousands in savings generating a bit in compound interest. They like to live where they live or live half of the year there and the rest elsewhere or have a few vacation trips. Maybe they’d want to spend the time not working anymore with their family, or enjoy culture, or learn new things, or keep themselves functional by exercising. Maybe they find a volunteer group that does something meaningful to the world which could take time.

                  Another case could be some sweatshop worker, where the daily pay is a bowl of food. No cash income, no higher education.

    • Fondots@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      The problem is that the one thing I want to do that I’m not already doing is “not work”

      I don’t have any grand plans to take up new hobbies or anything in my retirement (though I’m sure I’ll continue collecting hobbies just as I always have) I just want to be able to do them on my own schedule

      • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
        15 days ago

        That was my focus too, finding a way to have more time to myself on my own terms.

        I usually suggest teaching English abroad if you’re a native speaker.

        You could chant primary colors at kindergarteners online line for a maximum of 20 hours per week, or in person for a maximum of 10 hours per week and clear $400 easy.

        You could also teach 20 hours a week for 6 months and then live off the savings for years.

        That’s minimum wage 400 bucks a week, we’ll say you spent $400 for monthly expenses wherever you are, tje other 3 weeks are all your necessary expenses for 3 months without working, or one month partying.

        Want to boost your pay? Take an internationally accredited tefl course online for a couple days, pdf tests, that costs 40 bucks and you’ll instantly be paid more than the minimum wage($20 an hour’s the usual minimum) they pay teachers at any job you apply for.

        If having your own time is really the most important thing to you, as it is to me, the process is very simple, especially for native English speakers.

        You don’t need to do it the rest of your life either.

        Work part-time for a few months and then take a year off to figure out If you’re doing what you want to be doing. At least you won’t be wasting time and money figuring it out.

        Do you want to keep vacationing? Then you have already done it and have experience with that.

        The next year you vacation it’ll be even cheaper and easier than it was the first time.

        Do you want to pursue a hobby professionally? You have time to set that up. Or you can pursue the hobby for fun, indefinitely.

        • Fondots@lemmy.world
          15 days ago

          You could chant primary colors at kindergarteners online line for a maximum of 20 hours per week, or in person for a maximum of 10 hours per week

          That may work for you, and if it does I’m happy for you, but for me, as much as I want more time for myself and my hobbies, one thing I want even more is to not ever spend any amount of time doing anything even remotely like that.

          I also have no real interest in working abroad even if I didn’t think that job sounded horrible. A week or two of vacation, sure, but by the end of week 2, I’m ready to go home, and that’s really the point here, I want to be able to just stay home, and only leave when it’s to do something I want to do.

          • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            15 days ago

            So youre sure you don’t like the situation you’re in, but equally sure you don’t want to leave that situation.

            You have a lot of company.

            Teaching is not the only option, and no, that’s not what I do.

            It doesn’t sound like you’re really looking for solutions yet.

              • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                14 days ago

                He should try something easier that fixes his problems instead.

                It’s surprisingly pretty rare when someone wants that either.

                  • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                    14 days ago

                    I’ve helped a lot of people stop working, so you’re definitely incorrect on both counts.

                    Most commenters here are responding to their fears or anxieties of being a teacher specifically, which is one of the simplest and quickest solutions (among many) to their stated goals.

                    If your goals are to minimize work to maximize your own time, becoming an English teacher is a very simple and fast way to achieve those goals.

                    That is practicality; the opposite of delusion.

                    There are many other ways to work less and have more free time that you and the others are too afraid to investigate, let alone seriously attempt.

                    This is very common anxiety, and an example of your delusion you’re projecting.

                    My suggestions, that you have not heard or considered, work when actually attempted.

                    Maximizing your own time and minimizing the amount of work you have to do is a very simple goal to realize by various methods.

                    It’s just scary for you because If those are your goals and you succeed in achieving them so quickly, it means that you’ve been wasting your life complaining about something you could have changed at any time because you were too afraid to be sincere and ask for help.

                    Often, it turns out that maximizing your own time and minimizing work are not your values and goals and you don’t know yourself as well as you thought you did, which also frightens people.

      • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
        15 days ago

        That’s my favorite thing.

        I would redirect you to the easiest solution I made to another commenter of saving up money for a few months and then not working for a year.