The death of Haniyeh, a significant figure in Hamas’s political and diplomatic structure, has raised serious questions about the future of ongoing ceasefire negotiations. American officials had recently indicated that these talks, mediated by Qatar, the United States, and Egypt, were close to yielding a temporary ceasefire and a potential hostage release deal.

However, the assassination has cast doubt on the feasibility of these efforts moving forward.

Archived at

    2 months ago

    Any outcome where Hamas was permitted to live after October 7th or to govern Gaza was never going to be acceptable, and Hamas was unlikely to ever concede this.

    Anything less than the end of Hamas would have been a terrible outcome for all sides. They’d regroup, rearm, and in a few years’ time they’d attack again, more civilians would die, and people would start clutching their pearls and warning about ‘escalation’. And in the meantime, the Palestinians in Gaza would have had to endure their brutal rule.

    Once Hamas has been sufficiently degraded, there’ll be some sort of regional coalition to rebuild Gaza with Saudi, Emirati and Kuwaiti involvement and US security guarantees, a deradicalisation process for the Palestinians there, and the construction of a civil bureaucracy. The international community will be pouring in financial assistance, except that this time it won’t be used to build hundreds of miles of terror dungeons.

    The West Bank is a tougher nut to crack. But Israel will have to deal with the Hezbollah Jihadis first.

      2 months ago

      “the West Bank is a tougher nut to crack”

      what do you mean by that? Hamas has little to no influence there, and it is governed by a civilian government that was democratically elected. In fact, they’ve been trying to hold new elections, something that Israel has been blocking for years now. There is little to no violence coming from the West Bank.

      Contrary to that, illegal settlements (both under Israeli and international law) are tacitly or overly supported by the Israeli government. What is needed is a full Israeli withdrawal back to the internally recognized borders and internationally supervised democratic elections. That is the only way a lasting peace can be build there.

        2 months ago

        what do you mean by that?

        I mean how the occupation can end. It’s not obvious how that can happen, even though it obviously should. Go on Google Images, then search ‘topography of Israel and the West Bank’. If a nascent civilian government of Palestine falls to Hamas or similar forces then they’d be overlooking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. They’d have a throughline to Iran via Syria-Lebanon. That’s not a risk Israel can take.

        Hamas has little to no influence there

        This simply isn’t correct. Hamas operates in much of the West Bank, as do allied groups like the Jenin Brigades and Lion’s Den in Nablus. They’re also enormously popular among West Bank Palestinians.

        it is governed by a civilian government that was democratically elected

        So democratic that the current President Abbas is currently serving the 19th year of his 4-year term.

        In fact, they’ve been trying to hold new elections, something that Israel has been blocking for years now

        This is misleading at best. They’re not trying to hold new elections, because every single opinion poll for about 15 years now show that Fatah would lose badly and certainly Hamas would become the new government of the West Bank, which would finally shatter the possibility of there ever being a Palestinian state. That doesn’t serve Fatah or Israel. Israel therefore keeps Fatah on life-support as the least-bad option.

        There is little to no violence coming from the West Bank.

        Because it’s been suppressed by Fatah in co-operation with Israeli security services who’ve been operating in the West Bank before and after October 7th.

        By the way, right at this moment thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank are out marching in support of Hamas and against the killing of Ismail Hainyeh:

      2 months ago

      You don’t think by perhaps, oh I don’t know commiting genocide and killing thousands of innocent people this will just infact coerce another generation of Hamas recruits ?

      2 months ago

      Your account is about 8 hours day old (from when I made this comment), so I kind of just assume you’re trying to troll or rage-bait.

      Any outcome where Hamas was permitted to live after October 7th or to govern Gaza was never going to be acceptable, and Hamas was unlikely to ever concede this.

      7th October happens when you steal land and displace 750 000 people, murder along the way, create a apartheid state and humiliate a entire race. Hamas is a creation out of Israel’s actions. Israel is the core reason as to why there’s so much hatred and death.

      Anything less than the end of Hamas would have been a terrible outcome for all sides. They’d regroup, rearm, and in a few years’ time they’d attack again, more civilians would die, and people would start clutching their pearls and warning about ‘escalation’. And in the meantime, the Palestinians in Gaza would have had to endure their brutal rule.

      So you’re fine with Israel literally murdering, stealing land and humiliating Palestinian people. Apparently. However when these people literally fight back, it is suddenly wrong in your eyes.

      Once Hamas has been sufficiently degraded, there’ll be some sort of regional coalition to rebuild Gaza with Saudi, Emirati and Kuwaiti involvement and US security guarantees, a deradicalisation process for the Palestinians there, and the construction of a civil bureaucracy. The international community will be pouring in financial assistance, except that this time it won’t be used to build hundreds of miles of terror dungeons.

      Not true. Israel will never allow it. Their PM proudly boosted that he’s proud of not allowing a Palestinian state.

      The West Bank is a tougher nut to crack. But Israel will have to deal with the Hezbollah Jihadis first.

      You’ve proven to be an immensely Israel supporter and Zionist. You purposefully overlook Israel’s hateful behavior.

      Since you’re a Zionist, I will finish this comment with a list of sources of Israel’s action and then block you. I don’t want to read zionists stuff, I know you can still comment but that won’t be my problem.

      1. [Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center](

      1. [Death toll in Israeli attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah rises to 45](

      2. [Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention](

      3. [Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan](

      4. [Israel’s PM Netanyahu ‘proud’ of preventing establishment of a Palestinian state](

      5. [Far-right minister says nuking Gaza an option, PM suspends him from cabinet meetings](

      6. [Israel Defense Minister Calls Palestinians ‘Human Animals’ Amid Israeli Aggression](

      7. [Video shows Israeli settler trying to take over Palestinian house](

      8. [Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established](

      part 1

      part 2

      EDIT: Voyager app seems to mess up my links, will fix it tomorrow when being on PC.