my unpopular opinion is that they are a waste of time and effort.

    7 months ago

    Definitely unpopular.

    However, I mostly agree with you.

    I still like the idea of the Olympics in the way it’s marketed to be, a time of peaceful athletic competition and communication between nations and peoples.

    And, I can’t lie, it is one of the few times that individual sports that I’m more into watching ever get air time at all. Like, you don’t see judo, or archery, or shooting, or even wrestling on regular tv often at all, even back when I still had cable. Team sports, you can see all damn day, all times of the year, but individual sports don’t usually have the same kind of industry built around them.

    Which, that’s part of the problem, the way some sports turn into a money making machine rather than a genuine competition for sport’s sake.

    But, yeah, I get tired of the masturbatory commentary, the circle jerk nature of opening ceremonies, the back room bullshit of how it’s all arranged and located. It’s a shit ton of resources better allocated to actually making things better instead of entertaining the masses.