Objective 1: Stay the fuck out of it.
Objective 2: Stay the fuck out of it.
Objective 3: Stay the fuck out of it.
Objective 4: Stay the fuck out of it.
US Government response: “unfortunately we weren’t able to achieve any of our stated objectives. We promise we didn’t try to at all. The following is unrelated I promise, but Congress is meeting to give Bibi $69420Ungabijillion for self defense and we’re sending every troop, drone, and warship we have to Iran.”
The fun problem with isolationism is it just allows problems to fester; then you have something much worse to deal with later. You may want to ignore the world, but the world won’t ignore you.
Just out of curiosity, how do you believe blockades are enforced?
What do you think happens(ed) to ships approaching Gaza BEFORE the war?
Nope. You’re just simply wrong here
Nope. You’re just simply wrong here
Did Israel try stopping their genocide.
Some problems are very easy to solve.
The current editor of The Atlantic was a Zionist prison guard during the First Intifada. But don’t worry, he says his friends describe him as very leftist.
So umm, Iran’s leadership won’t stop nuclear weapons development. It can’t stop. Therefore to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, it means that the US has to help remove Iran’s leadership. Now why would this turn out any better than any of the previous times they’ve done this, including in Iran?
Their ability to make nukes has been delayed several times in the past, another delaying action is likely better than letting them get nukes.
Incorrect, not waging war is better than spending another 20 trillion killing civilians.
It’s scary how even during 2 horrible wars, people still can’t accept the simple truth that war is always the worst possible option.
war is always the worst possible option
I’m currently living in a country that was freed from British colonialism via war. I’m damn happy that war happened, I’m damn happy we have our own country.
Sometimes the worst possible option is also the only possible option.
But disemboweling each other’s working class is never a good way to come to a common decision between countries.
Huh? America doesn’t have to do anything about Iranian impotence.
You know the last missle barrage sent by Iran to Israel had to be intercepted by Americans becsuse it would have overloaded the Israeli defense right? I wish my country could stay out of it but if they did there would be more dead Israelis already.
One of the more-hawkish takes I’ve read.
All of this argues not only for Israeli strikes—which will surely come—but for vigorous American action as well. Israel may well choose to attack economic targets, and in particular the oil industry that keeps Iran’s economy afloat. Attacks on the nuclear program—buried and dispersed at different sites—would probably be more difficult. In either case, Israel will need American help.
Israel has a large and capable air force, including nearly 40 F-35s. But it lacks a large fleet of aerial refueling planes, necessary for long-range strikes, which the United States has in plenty. At the very least, the United States can quietly help supply that deficit. The question is: Should it do more?
The answer is yes.
Holy fuck this is deranged bloodthirsty shit.
This author has big Dr. Strangelove energy.
He can’t seem to wait for another big war to start.The amount of comments in here treating real life like a game of Risk is honestly shocking and upsetting.
What do you all really think you would do differently if you were born in Gaza or Lebanon?