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Original still created by @gedogfx (IG). Title source: “Inkl”

Edit: I’m not on any other social media platforms, so feel free to share this elsewhere if you want

    2 months ago

    has anyone asked you how your jimmys are doing recently?

    If your jimmys are rustled or if you’ve been in direct contact with someone that have had their jimmys rustled, please seek help.

    If you’re not sure if your jimmys are rustled the following symptoms may apply.

    • poor hygiene
    • being upset by things that don’t concern you
    • water retention
    • being upset by things you can’t hope to understand
    • being upset by the size of your penis
    • being upset that nobody cares about your opinion
    • diarrhea (rectal and verbal)
    • being upset after coming to the realization that your thoughts or ideas on a subject aren’t shared or don’t matter
    • having or protecting opinions that are illogical or pointless
    • sensitive nipples
    • shrinking testicles
    • relishing the taste of prolapsed anuses
    • unsightly hair growth around the neck and back