Next to the duct tape
“RÂPE” is the French word for “grater”
Goes to show how uncultured I am
Bro it was painfully obvious that it was a different language. Its literally color coded with all the red text being french.
You didn’t notice the other red text? or the word “fromage”?
Unnecessary context: the â means that it used to be ’raspe’, from which the English word rasp (a type of file) originates.
Oui, you can use it to put cheese on your pain.
I prefer to eat my pain naked.
Fun fact, the accent circonflexe, the ^ in “â”, is basically an old silent s in French. So “râpe”, pronounced RAH-Pe, shows the etymology of the word: rasp. Similar with Hôpital, HOE-PEE-TAL: hospital.
Another fun fact, these style graters are also really great for making spätzel at home.
Furry porn of the hardcore with gore variety.
Still upset artist got it removed from e6.
cheese grater: