I don’t see anyone mentioning the proportions of the bars. For example, on the 1st item, $1 vs $2.99 is not even double the size…
At first, I was assaulted by the percentage representation. Then I cooled down and thought, it’s not the percentage, but those bars are the absolute height of the price! Me smart, until I took a look again and now my hate is burning so, so hard for this graph. It is designed to enrage.
They’re not. The $3 bar is not 3x the height of the $1 bar next to it. The $2.99 bar on the right is higher than the $2.99 bar on the left. Someone just free drew the bars and it’s extremely noticeable and annoying.
They borked their graph to make room for the picture of the girl for some reason
Hah! That’s a very good point. Why make a bar chart if it’s not even showcasing the correct values, which in this case actually helps the message?
The graph itself’s utter lack of proportion is more infuriating than the content.
I love how what’s close to the median Y-axis value is by far the tallest, meanwhile the lowest Y-axis value is the fourth tallest bar and the highest Y-axis value is by far the shortest bar
The graph is fucked btw. Read the values its different than the bars. Also a gaph like this should set the starting point for everything on the same level and only show the change not how much it changed by. You could put a car on this graph and shiw how its price increased by 100$ which would blow out all the other data even though its price only changed by 1% for example.
Also doesn’t cite source or state units
$ is used by many currencies, is it AUD?
Chilean Pesos
Ahh the one us cent meal
Yeah very poorly done
What’s actually infuriating are those bar charts.
At this point, you’re better off going for the lunch specials at an asian restaurant. Same price, more filling, and less unhealthy.
I found a bakery in town that does subs. You can get a brisket sub for the same price as subway with fresh bread and ingredients and the bread is wider than the skinny subway loaves so you get more overall
True fact… Depending on which Asian restaurant yes.
Stop buying shitty, overpriced food from a dumpster organization.
If you stop buying it, you’ll help signal to the dumpster organization that their prices are too high.
IMO, it might be a good idea to compare those prices against relative purchasing power of a dollar. I don’t know how those prices stack up to the overall rate of inflation or CPI, or even the cost of the specific ingredients. I would have less of an issue with price increases if a) McDonald’s profit margin–as a percentage of cost–remained steady, and b) the cost held steady against the relative value of the dollar overall. If it’s just arbitrarily raising prices because they can, then that’s bullshit.
From a quick googlebthe dollar inflation is up 33% since 2014. The lowest increase is 67%.
McDonald’s profit margin–as a percentage of cost–remained steady
It’s cute you think a publicly traded company would allow for that, especially for a leader in a market as fully saturated as fast-food. When you’ve reached every person, there’s not much left to do but increase profit margins by cutting costs and raising prices.
If that line stops going up, executives can be voted out by the shareholders and lose their generous pay packages and bonuses! Last year’s billions in profit just isn’t good enough when there’s quarterly earnings reports to be made and shareholder wealth to be maximized!
That’s one of the major issues that I have with corporations; there’s very little interest in sustainable profitability, and a laser-like focus on growth for the sake of growth. And sometimes the product that a company makes isn’t even “sustainable” per se. That is, if you make certain durable goods, eventually you should be reaching a point where demand will slow to a trickle as the market becomes saturated, and that’s okay.
Prices fit for a billionaire who wears depends
These figures should be inflation adjusted
Also why no big Mac?
2014 $5.39 inflation adjusted to 2024 $7.18
They should also compare shrinkflation. If a burger price rises by 25% but it’s size shrinks by 10%, the cost is much higher as you’re paying more for less.
Agreed, but only if wages and especialy minimum wage was inflation adjusted
Fast food didn’t just stop being cheap, it also stopped being fast. Might not be the case for everywhere, but when they got the self-checkout screens they started making every order in order, and nothing more. Now if I order a single item, I still have to wait if there are many orders before mine. I miss the time when I could look behind the cashier and see what they had pre-made to get something immediately.
It would never even occur to me to eat at fast food (unless you count like the pizza by the slice place on the corner).
I just feel so alienated from everyone else sometimes. Just… The food isn’t good, isn’t good for you, isn’t cheap, isn’t fast. The org isn’t environmentally or politically friendly. Just stop eating there. Be mildly inconvenienced if you have to.
But I guess that will slam right into the constant problem of “someone feels bad and now they’re not going to listen”
I’m with you buddy. I legitimately don’t understand why anyone would ever eat one of those trash burgers. The breakfast sandwiches are edible but only if you have literally no better option.
People are what they eat
They can surge all they like. Our family just stopped buying from them (and most fast food places).
It’s not a time saver to sit in a drive thru instead of making something for meals at home.
Everyone knows that McDonald’s don’t degrade over time. You can put one in its original bag in the closet for a number of years without problems.
Shame on you for not buying in bulk when the price was more amenable. Get down to your local McDonald’s now and buy yourself at least 57 Big Macs which I’ve calculated to be the optimal amount until global warming renders this planet a cinder. And get me a chocolate milkshake while you’re at it, please.
McDoubles were $1 many places until 2016 or later. My standard McD meal for years was 3 McDoubles for $3. After that they raised McDoubles to closer to $2 but the McTriple was also about $2 so I switched to 2 McTriples for $4.
Now the only way to get a decent price meal is to use the app and I refuse to use the app. Now and then they’ll have a 2/$6 deal but it still feels overpriced.
I got two mcdoubles and a pineapple mango smoothie the other day and it was 12 bucks. First time I went in over a year. Canada. I’ll never go back
McDonald’s Canada is like 30% more expensive. The price delta far exceeds the exchange rate.
The quality has also fallen dramatically. I used to like their standard hamburgers (the little ones), but the buns are leathery these days, and the meat seems smaller than it used to be.