I want a microwave that has a database of every possible food type that tells it the optimal programming for everything, supported by sensors measuring weight, humidity, maybe even an infrared camera inside, if those can survive microwaves.
Until I have that: 100% until stuff starts to steam/bubble/boil, take it out, bite into it, regret not putting it in for longer, eat mostly cold leftovers.
Theres absolutely no reason an infared camera couldnt survive a microwave. All you would need is for the camera body to be outside, and to have a mesh blocking the sensor. You wouldnt be able to go through the door if the door is glass(not that ive ever seen a glass microwave door) because glass blocks infared, not sure about plastic. either way though, you could just cut a hole, remove the plastic, and then replace the mesh. Youd have to do some software work to ensure the camera is not picking up the heat from the mesh.
I want a microwave that has a database of every possible food type that tells it the optimal programming for everything, supported by sensors measuring weight, humidity, maybe even an infrared camera inside, if those can survive microwaves.
Until I have that: 100% until stuff starts to steam/bubble/boil, take it out, bite into it, regret not putting it in for longer, eat mostly cold leftovers.
Theres absolutely no reason an infared camera couldnt survive a microwave. All you would need is for the camera body to be outside, and to have a mesh blocking the sensor. You wouldnt be able to go through the door if the door is glass(not that ive ever seen a glass microwave door) because glass blocks infared, not sure about plastic. either way though, you could just cut a hole, remove the plastic, and then replace the mesh. Youd have to do some software work to ensure the camera is not picking up the heat from the mesh.
That would cost like $1500