My favorite Kurt Vonnegut book is ‘Mother Night.’ At one point a white supremist teams up with ‘The Black Fuhrer of Harlem.’ An FBI man asks the white guy why he’s working with an African-American?
“We both agree that the wrong people are in charge.”
Enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit like that.
“We can be friends until the revolution. After that it gets difficult.”
A lot of racists love race. It is why they’re racist. Race is what means certain people belong in certain places and others are not.
It also obscures class consciousness: the underlying reason racism is such a popular political tool for any given ruling class.
It also obscures class consciousness: the underlying reason racism is such a popular political tool for any given ruling class.
…body count! that’s a name i’ve not heard in a long, long time: a long time…
I wouldn’t say that the ruling class loves racism, but when the people are looking for someone to blame they’d understandably rather throw minorities under the bus than lie down themselves.
I love my race, it is the best race on the planet. It has invented so many things. I am proud of my race.
And when I say “my race” I obviously mean the only race that matters: the human race.
Everything else are just variations.
When I say “my race” I mean the mole people.
What is happening with this image? The quality is low because OP lazily reposted it from some other secondary source, but what’s that yellow rectangle?
that’s the national geographic logo. this post was taken from a nature documentary
It’s censorship. People keep censoring about because they fear getting banned on whatever crappy social media site they originally posted it too.
you call it laziness where some call it loving wear and tear
Racists think there is some sort of hierarchy among groups/nations, of which of course their own is at the top. Doesn’t matter where the racist are from, Asia, South America, North America, Europe, Africa, …
They always believe they belong to the cream of the crop, and use different specific statistics to prove so. But that is just dumb login. In reality there are only 2 groups: normal people at the top, and racists at the bottom. Even the most useless non-racist adds more to humanity than the best racist.
Racists add so little to society, they have to pretend skin colour is important.
Racism is a cancer on humanity that should be cut out with a huge knife.
The problem is that even without malice in one’s words and action, the recognition of race itself is considered racist.
That’s because the concept of biological races has been thouroughly debunked. I will never understand why Anglophones still insist on using the word “race”.
Is it though? Or is that just what racists who don’t think they’re racist like to tell themselves because they believe in pseudoscience with embedded racism?
The whole topic is a minefield.
This is just wrong. Demand deportation for naturalized citizens has split the European nationalists in the EU Parliament.
This was a plot point in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country the factions in each empire who wanted to preserve the Federation-Klingon antagonism collaborated to subvert diplomacy efforts).
You can hate me now
Is it racism if you have every race equally?
U talking about an all races orgy?
whoops accidental mistypeyeeeeeee :)