obligatory fuck daily mail but this screen was posted to a discord I’m in and I laughed then, I’ll laugh again now
🎵Help the people the thing that happened happened toooooo 🎤
thoughts and prayers
I know there are fires there, but it sure is a coincidence his house burns down while Mel has a airtight alibi being on Rogan’s show.
It’s like these people got trolled by 4chan and believed every single word they said.
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Was gonna say he wouldn’t have to nod along if he didn’t talk to the crazies, but then I remembered it’s precisely what he’s getting paid such absurd amounts to do.
Yeah, while I don’t doubt Rogan would swallow it hook, line and sinker; just nodding along is what most people would do with someone that’s a guest but batshit crazy.
I’d probably just not have a crazy old man as a guest, but hey ¯\(ツ)/¯
I know it’s dangerous, but it’s important to at least tell them people ignoring them aren’t silently agreeing with their bullshit. So, if you think you can manage the risk, you should tell them.
He can later edit that part tho
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?-? I just said that instead of showing himself nodding to the crazy man he could instead edit out that part.
Not sure where you get I’m “defending” anybody, when I’m saying that he had the option, the journalistic duty and every chance to not showing himself agreeing with Gibson’s rants.
I suggest you a camomile, avoiding social networks for a day and a walk in a forest or similar natural environment.
Sorry to the people dealing with the fires in LA area but I have to admit that I laughed hard when I heard Mel Gibson’s house burnt down during this interview. Absolutely hilarious to me.
I dunno how the hell I could tell from back in the day, watching movies he was in, that I couldn’t trust him. Just something about the way he acts. I can’t put my finger on it.
If you watch the Lethal Weapon movies, it’s not hard to spot.
I haven’t in decades, but maybe I’d understand if I did nowadays.
I’m not talking about the characters he plays though. Just the way he carries himself and how he looks at women and shit. Like, it’s just giving “brother, eww”. Can’t fully put my finger on it.
Sure, they were cured of cancer… until one day suddenly dropped dead, for no reason at all
Ever head of dim mak, buddy?
Vaccines turned me into a newt!
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We are all going to die
When numbnuts have no power in society, it’s often dismissed as a fool’s errand to try to counter their crazy claims. But I think we all need to be countering the crazy at all times, not just when the biggest crazies are enjoying power and reach. Otherwise, we get Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson talking about curing terminal cancer with animal dewormer and Donald Trump winning a second term and appointing RFK Jr. to delete vaccines from history.
Horse/barn door situation, but still. It can always get worse.
Just FYI, ivermectin is also a human dewormer, ir is very used in poor countries like here, Brazil
Everytime I hear it introduced as “horse dewormer”. The bias is already made clear.
While Mel Gibson is clearly off his rocker in that Ivermectin can’t do jack shit against cancer… So is OP for acting like it’s not safe for human consumption. It’s safe for consumption even at 10x a “normal” dosage (with all the Covid-19 studies showing that while more or less ineffective for COVID, not at all harmful otherwise at up to 3000μg/kg… or 15x a typical dosage http://ssrn.com/abstract=3714649).
IVM has been used safely in 3.7 billion doses worldwide since 1987
It’s 100% safe… and boatloads of it have been given to humans for longer than most people arguing about this shit have been alive.
Source: https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/41838
TL;DR… While probably useless for anything that people recently attribute to it… It’s safe for consumption as a general rule.
Nothing is 100% safe, with the curious exception of ultrasound which is considered 100% safe.
Edit: obviously don’t take medical advice from trump or any other idiot, go to the doctor, take your vaccines and keep calm when sick.
I don’t think it’d be very safe to consume an ultrasound. Sounds like a lot of metal and plastic leading to intestinal blockages at best.
Safety’s a good thing, but efficacy is what’s really needed. And it has been proven to have no efficacy for the conditions it is being hyped for. Absolutely none.
Eating rice pudding is safe too. It’s not an effective treatment for covid either.
What’s not safe is when someone fails to resort to an effective treatment because they’re instead fooled into using one that does nothing. And that’s what’s happening with ivermectin.
What’s not safe is when someone fails to resort to an effective treatment because they’re instead fooled into using one that does nothing. And that’s what’s happening with Ivermectin.
Cool, then piss on the people that make the call for the ineffective treatment. Not the perfectly useful drug that is in public domain and saved millions (many millions) of lives with 3.7 Billion doses consumed.
Edit: If a COVID denier told you to just drink water and you’ll get over it. Would you then turn around and call water “horse hydrating water” for the rest of your life? Do you not see how 1) absolutely stupid you’d look and 2) that you’re attempting to put down water by saying it? Even though it’s literally required to keep you alive?
While Ivermectin isn’t “required” to live… for many it’s the only answer. Now they’ll be stigmatized for no fucking reason other than this constant fucking rant of “horse dewormer”. At this point I don’t doubt that someone has turned down a legitimate use of Ivermectin over this shit, probably had to go for an alternative drug that is not in the public domain and paid some pharma company boatloads to do it. So like I’ve said probably a dozen times at this point. Piss on the people making the shit claim. Not the perfectly valid drugs that have very valuable purposes.
Why can’t they take like acute doses of actual poison? Why is it always this bullshit? Don’t be a pussy, drink the bleach, bitch!
Joe Rogan is very much part of the misinformation media, he continuously gets guests talking crazy shit and he always nods along, yeah yeah, and people form some stupid reason just lap it up
Can we, for the love of fuck, put laws in placenthst require that as soon as a group of a certain size (say 50+) listens to you, that you are responsible for what you’re saying and that you’re required to ensure that your information is scientifically correct?
I’m sorry, but fuck free speech as so many people are raving about. Its the worst thing that has happened to the world since the Internet came on. All idiots now have a loud voice and the vast majority of humans apparently are very poorly equipped to weed out this bullshit.
No, your “pyramid curing cancer theory being blocked by big pharma” is NOT real, does NOT have a right to be heard, and is NOT a positive for humanity.
Yes, yes, we should be able to say what we want (within reason) but once you’d tart getting a following, that’s it. No more, PLEASE. YOU HAVE YO START BEING TRUTHFUL AND FACTUAL. Why do we continue to allow people to lie their asses off to groups to manipulate others? Hell, even US presidents do this in insane amounts. Even Obama lied at least a little in like 25% of is statements? And he was a low outlier. Trump lies about 90% of the time at pants on fire levels and we’re all fine with it. First amendment rules ftw!
Trump would never have been in power if we had something like this. Medical quackery would be gone as Dr Oz can no longer sell his snake oil bullshit. Churches would be gone, yikes… Imagine marketing if companies were required to be actually truthful about their products?
News organizations!
OMFG. So Fox news sues the US government to not be held to standards requiring them to be factual because first amendment… So quite literally everything coming from them today is a lie. Its all bullshit. Why do we allow this and just laught at them? Why does nobody see the danger of just allowing news organizations to lie to the populace to divide the people, to get false ideas in their heads, to fill them with false hatred…
If Fox news and the likes would have been required to be truthful there would be no trump, the racial divide in the US would have been a whole lot less than it is today. And when I mean truthful I also mean the things they focus on, the insinuations, the pundits with their opinions.
Why why why, why do we allow any of this? What the fuck, world? The first amendment is not worth ending up in world was three because we MUST allow special interests to lie yo everyone, first amendment!
Start requiring that companies MUST be truthful. Presidents and governments MUST be truthful in claims to their citizens. Celebrity or someone with a following? You must be truthful in your claims.
We either start growing up as humanity or this will be our downfall. We are at the edge of the end of humanity as we have known it for centuries due to climate change (and have no doubt, it fucking will end everything we know today) but can’t even have a basic discussion about how to stop or reverse this because special interests are allowed to use their news outlets to just scream that climate change is a hoax.
We just allow that. The theater is on fire and we can’t even have a discussion on how to escape out because even though the flames are right there, the theater owner keeps screaming over everyone that all is okay, there is no fire, we don’t have to escape.
Its gotten to the point where no meaningful discussion is possible anymore because we vant even agree about the basic facts in front of us anymore.
This has got to stop. The lies have to stop, we need basic facts.
Bruh… That’s some high hopes and a fuck load of effort for something that will never happen. Your suggestions are very much unrealistic.
Are they?
Are you okay with the current state of affairs where every idiot gets given a bullhorn to spew their nonsense, where lying is not an exception, it’s not a sometimes, but it’s actually the norm?
Go to a random website and chances are that it’s full of clickbait bullshit lies. Get some product from any company, check information about it and it’s almost guaranteed overstated and lies.
Where does it end?
and people form some stupid reason just lap it up
Stupid people love being stupid. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
The ignoramuses I encounter seem more angry or depressed than they are blissful.
Is it? The bullshit people usually are just pissed; all news they hear is horrible
Well, unfortunately, this is only going to get much worse when Trump takes over…
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I’m sorry, but fuck free speech as so many people are raving about. Its the worst thing that has happened to the world since the Internet came on.
I think the mistake isn’t free speech but not having enough exceptions for fraudulent statements. For example, if you say anything false and damaging about a specific person, everyone agrees that’s libel and not “free speech”. But if you say something false and damaging about a group of people, like trans people or immigrants, that’s “free speech” and perfectly legal. Or if you say something false and damaging about fake cures, etc.
It’s actually a tough problem because we can’t expect everyone to just be perfectly right all the time. But I think that for people like Rogan who have a wide platform, there should be some liability for lying about things that actually harm others. The fact that this is effectively legal is why psychopaths are dominating media narratives right now.
I don’t care about individual expressing their opinions.
Once you have a following, you have a responsibility to speak the truth. We currently live in a world where fox news can spew incendiary lies 24/7 and noone bats an eye and if ever anyone says anything in court they simply claim to be entertaiment and that no reasonable person would take them seriously.
What. The. Fuck.
How is any of that possible, at all?
Well the blue color actually proved valuable in spinal reconstruction. (AFAIK)
We all know that’s total bullshit because Mel Gibson has no friends.
We all know that’s bullshit because Mel Gibson.
It is wild how they just jump from one thing to other mentioning things at random. “I know this guy who can point his finger at you and you will feel it, because you know… how did they build the pyramids?? This thing is like quantum physics”.
Is this the effects of too much ivermectin?deleted by creator
My money’s on indiscriminate use of psychoative drugs, and general lack of mental discipline.
I mean… Death cures all 🤷🏻♂️
Except death itself. How ironic. /s