This will not end well for him. He’s doing a bunch of experiments, all at once, with a sample size of one.
This is how we get mutated supervillains
You really want to live in a world with supervillains and few heroes, let alone any superheroes?
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred”
he has used his own teenage son’s blood to test whether transfusions from a younger person had any direct health benefit on someone his age (he has since discovered that they do not)
Imagine if it worked, though. This dude would have a basement full of teenagers, their blood being siphoned for his own twisted purpose.
Kinda like the book “the house of the scorpion”
I can’t wait for him to sacrifice his son to save prolong his own life (how noble)
Not only him, but other rich people too. Glad that didn’t work
This dude takes a ton of pills a day and uses his son’s blood, but still looks older than some Asians several years older than him.
He’s looking like a Dollar Store Data
Or Paul Rudd, who is nearly 10 years older. Some people just age better than others.
It might be more science-y if he had an identical twin and only one of them was getting the supplements.
All that money, time and effort in order for a 46 year old to look somewhere in his mid 40s.
Honestly he should just make a deal with the devil.
It worked for Dorian Gray
He should try just getting a blood boy like Gavin Belson did in Silicon Valley
Oh, his blood boy is his son.
Unfortunately I’m not kidding.
Oh shit… I sometimes forget how little the truth has to bend for satire. I’m glad my dad isn’t into that
I’m pretty sure the Silicon Valley joke was based on this guy.
Worst My Dad Is Dracula comic ever.
Dude, get a normal fucking hobby.
Is it not normal to look up to Dorian Gray?
No, his body just did that naturally.
I hope that guy comes to terms with his mortality. I struggle with aging with every creature around me and myself.
I look forward to it (my own mortality) being a nice surprise.
Hopefully a very long time from now.
I’m the meantime, anyone want to buy my book on immortality? It has worked perfectly… So far.
Bet you anything he has not tried plutonium. He should try plutonium. Harry Daghlian will live forever. In our hearts and textbooks.
I just hope that he’s got nice decent medical advisors working with actual doctors and medical staff, so that all that money he’s throwing at this at least trickles down to people that deserve it.
Just join the American senate like the rest of the eternals
He could be spending this fortune on real medical research. What an asshole.
Why? He’s publishing his results, it’s a good data point. He’s a human trial on safety of some of these drugs. And it’s his money after all.
Many of the substances these people try end up being valuable for people with chronic fatigue and related autoimmune diseases.
Does it really matter whether he’s driven by selfishness or by the desire to help others? Are all researchers purely altruistic?
Why? He’s publishing his results,
It’s quackery though. He’s not actually doing good science.
It’s almost like scientists are on to something when they wait for double blind randomizied control trials results before declaring effectiveness of a medicine.
The funniest thing about this is that if he just transitioned he’d get ALL SORTS of age reduction benefits! I’ve been taking spironolactone and estradiol for about 9 months now, and everyone keeps asking me if I’m getting younger.
Oops! It wasn’t “de-aging drug” it was “de (of) aging drug”
It’s like headache pills.
or lobster sauce
Or Pepsi