Research indicates male and female immune systems respond differently to viral attacks.
“Man Flu” might actually be physiological and not psychological.
Found the pussy 😂
Doubt it
Talk about a third degree burn, youch
This is so accurate for me. I’ll attempt to walk off a broken bone, a mountain once stabbed my kidney and I was stoic as shit. But if I have a fever or chills? I require last rites
This is 100% me. I broke my hand (because I was an idiot and punched a wall) and just went to work and didn’t use it as much. I remember one dude shaking my hand and it being very painful. My dumb ass response to my wife about why I didn’t go to the hospital was "they wouldn’t be able to do anything to set it and I don’t want a cast, so fuck it.
I get sick and it’s a different story. I need all the help and attention. I can’t move. I am asking my wife to bring me tissue, trash can, soup, fluids, and meds that I might need. She takes care of me because I’m a whiny little bitch and can’t function correctly.
The only difference with me is that I don’t want help, either. I want to curl up in a bed, somewhere in a corner of a dark room and not see anyone. I think it’s some animal part of my brain that doesn’t want a potential predator finding me weak and helpless. Leave me in my cave to recover or die
Testicles … the weak point of any man, no matter how physically strong they are. Touched, exposed, or maltreated in any way, and any giant man will fold into a fetal position and whimper like a little girl. Violently struck and man will gladly go unconscious or die rather than endure this pain.
Soure: am a man with dangly sensitive bits
you can actually build a tolerance to it to where you dont feel any pain
mark hoppus of blink-182 would hit himself in the nuts over and over on the tour bus so he can hit himself in the nuts without pain
why tho
he was bored
This can’t be good for you lol
I got frequently sick because I had a shit diet. I would basically not eat enough for the kind of activities I was doing.
Getting sick almost always hit me like a truck and I have a funny story about it.
I’ve always been told that I’m exaggerating how sick I was by everyone in my family (hint: the women mostly. my dad always took it seriously)
and this one time I felt extremely bad and everyone was telling me oh it’s nothing this that whatever, until I told my dad we had to go to the hospital.
turns out my appendix was about to rupture
suddenly after that everyone got an idea that maybe I actually can wage the pain level I’m at
and yes when I got COVID I was bedridden for 3-5 days but so was my entire family
I can handle physical pain because i still have energy and can work around the pain but sickness pain/discomfort is so hard to deal with. I’m tired I can’t do anything I just lay down and hope for death.
As a man who has “sucked it up” most of my life, getting sick with “just a cold” twice ended with pneumonia and a stay in the hospital. Any CT of my lungs shows the damage that ain’t ever growing back. I take illness a bit more seriously now.
Ah, the great misandrist paradox. Men are both too wrapped up in their fragile male ego to take care of themselves when they need to, and also secretly whiney babies about the smallest inconvenience to their health. Either way they shouldn’t be taken seriously.
You know, I remember a picture with this exact joke, with these very words from waaaay back when “rage face” comics were popular, so about fifteen years ago