My nephew has snails. He smuggled them out of the schoolyard in his hoodie after the teachers caught him the first time and confiscated them. My sister found them and had to take them to a pet store to make sure they weren’t dangerous. Now they sit in a nice terrarium and it turns out the hardest part is keeping the humidity up.
All that over snails? Like were they the kind that might’ve lost their way from the Amazon rainforest?
When you live in Brazil, well…yes.
Met a couple with a pet raccoon, on a leash and everything. I asked them how it was, since my wife had fantasized about a pet raccoon. They described it as a “little mischief goblin”.
We had one get into our trash once. I guess we had thrown out some yogurt that was starting to go bad and this little fucker got yogurty little foot prints all over our front porch. It almost looked intentional how many there were and how spread out it got them. Thankfully we just let our dogs out and they pretty much licked the porch clean lol.
Yuuup. Cute little destructive whirlwinds that can open things. I’ve known a few, “little mischief goblin” is apt.
Omg my dream. We used to have some visit us at my old work and we would feed them grapes and give them a lil bowl to wash their grapes in. They were the cutest.
I’ve seen someone walking a pig in the forest. Yes, a large pink hairless pig. It was almost like walking a dog, but this animal was quite a bit larger than most dogs.
One of my neighbors has a pig that’s so beloved by the local community he has shirts. I have one. They have an African grey parrot too.
I live in California. Pretty much all the cool pets are illegal here.
That being said I knew a guy who had a raccoon and several ferrets. Their house smelled awful but once you were there for awhile you kinda stopped smelling it and the raccoon and ferrets were adorable together.
I had a ferret in my 20s. Little dude bathed at least once a week and still smelled. Was (almost) litter trained and could bend in half, spastically hopping around like a little smelly crackhead
Yeah they stink no matter what. You can get their stinky gland removed but I’m still not sure if that’s good for them or not. Idk. I’m not a veterinarian and they are super illegal here so it’s not really something I am concerned about at this present moment haha.
Heard about the gland thing, and definitely not into it, but he had just an overall musky smell. Not like he sprayed or anything. We went to beach a lot and he’d hang out under umbrella shade and flirt with the girls.
Yeah the smell is strong and odd but it’s not outright bad. Just a bit weird until you get used it.
This isn’t that exotic I guess but I had a customer at the restaurant that would smuggle in his pet rat (I worked the graveyard so usually nobody was around). Its name was Gizmo and it would sit on his shoulder under his sweater and he would feed it French toast. Sweetest little thing.
Did it also use its owner as a marionette to cook linguini?
saw someone with a big ass snake.
Also, I owned a hedgehog once, dude had some serious trauma from his 5 previous owners. Yeah, 5.
He was always angry, but I still played with him anyways trying to get him to warm up to people. Never did, but he did like exploring all the books and crannies of the room. Wish I could’ve had him before all his previous owners :(They need to regulate ownership better if he went through five bad owners, like was the person managing those transactions Dr. Eggman?
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Rule of thumb in my opinion, if you have to perform body modification on an animal, it doesn’t sound like it was ever worth keeping. Clipping bird wings, deforming monkey thumbs, declawing cats, etc. make me cringe bad.
Why the fuck would anyone declaw a cat??? Or the thing with a monkey?
But I don’t entirely agree with you - with some pets you need to cut their balls.
People sadly do all those things. People declaw cats because cat claws can get sharp enough to get into fabric, and the people who declaw their cats either don’t realize cat claws are a part of their fingers or don’t care. People dethumb monkeys because it hinders their ability to weaponize their surroundings, again because all they seem to care about is showing off their pet.
Personally, I would caution against pet castration/neutering/spaying even though it’s not up there with the other things. When it comes to this, you’re just trading some problems for other problems, and it still says a bit about the act of owning them.
I would caution against pet castration/neutering/spaying even though it’s not up there with the other things. When it comes to this, you’re just trading some problems for other problems, and it still says a bit about the act of owning them.
Castration is pretty much a necessity for some pets. Unless you want your house to stink like a crossover between a zoo and a public toilet.
I mean when it’s unnecessary. In many pets it is necessary, but many people do it just because it’s the norm.
When it comes to odor though? I’d cope.
Wtf … wy would you defang tarantulas ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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I’m sorry, this makes no sense.
Spiders bite, inject venom and feed through their fangs (Chelicerae). If you remove them the spider won’t be able to bite and more importantly, eat, anymore. So you can’t keep a defanged spider for very long …
Yeah rip my fangs out id be an asshole as well
I’m sorry, but the asshole here is your friend. First of all, “defanging” a spider will just kill the spider, slowly (see comment below).
And while they certainly aren’t for everybody, they actually are excellent pets if you know what you’re doing. Hell, I’ve kept a dozen Pterinochilus murinus, which are indeed assholes, still never got bitten.
People shouldn’t keep pets if they don’t know how to care for them.
I currently have a Tegu 4ft long and sorta harness trained so im that someone for the neighbors im sure 😅
My bestie has an iguana. Not that exotic in the grand scheme of things, even if pretty cool.
So I’m also internet acquainted with a guy that cares for tiger cubs. Except the big kitties aren’t his, he just works at a zoo.
Have known as couple dudes who had coyote cross bread canines. Or at least that’s what they said. Only really knew one of these dogs and its behavior never gave me any reason not to believe it wasn’t half coyote.
The dog stayed outside all year round including the winter. Not the by choice of owner but was where the dog prefered to be. It hated the indoors and would get too hot inside with its winter coat and fat. Roamed hundreds of acres of farm land and forest. Killed more Coons and rabbits than any other animals with aren’t the easiest animals to pin down. Was always a well behaved dog but if you fucked with it, snuck up on it, or played too rough… you prolly were getting stitches on your forearm or ass. It never attacked anyone unprovoked tho, it just sucked how easy it could be to accidently fuck up doing something like grabbing a glass of water in the middle of a summer night when someone forgot to let it out after dinner. It would like to chill inside in the AC on hot summer days.
Knew another dude when we were highschool aged who caught an orphaned white tail fawn. Raised it with his beef calfs and it lived like 3 years. Spent its whole life, including the 2 years it was a mature adult doe, just chillan and ranging around my buddy’s property. Would grunt outside the barn when dinner was late. We think that it basically thought my buddy was another deer so it would grunt like it’s trying to find other deer in the area if my buddy wasnt home or was late putting out feed. Anyone reading this should know tho, don’t fucking adopt abandoned fawns. Or any fuckin wild animals for that matter. If you find one, contact your local DEC office and let them handle it.
I saw someone bring their bobcat into a Lowes once. It was on a leash, and you bet I did not trust that leash. It looked overwhelmed.
They were allowed to do that?
Are you gonna stop them?
If I was in that Lowe’s, I would at least ask a manager about them and say “hey, is that alright to be here”. Even if it’s not a safety risk, if it’s in a Lowe’s, it’s probably an allergy risk.
The guys yard was 4 lots so fairly nice sized (1 acre?)… Underground tunnels that lead to “satellite” cages for the prairie dogs to keep an eye on the yard. Venomous snake shed(cobras and rattlesnakes) and to top it off a pair of breeding crocodile monitors. A true Florida man.
My parents had a zebra when I was growing up in Northern California. He was skittish, to the point that this animal lover never got closer than 10 feet until it wound bolt. He brayed at sunrise, easily drowning out the roosters. He sadly ingested part of a mat in his stall which ended up killing him.
After my parents moved once I left home, they got 2 more of these fancy donkeys.
Pro life tip to people like them: Use non-toxic, specialized decor when sheltering animals.
The best shelters and zoos never have issues like the carpet incident because every big or small aspect and nook and cranny is catered. They don’t buy generic room brands for example.
Used to have around 50 tarantuals (and some other spiders).
Why fifty?
No reason, that was just the number at wich it steadied out. I guess the room was full, no more space for more terrrariums.
A caiman. Vicious little git