For instance, when your team misses a super close shot at scoring, or when you lose a super tense game match by a hair.
Because you’re trying to keep your brain from exploding!
I’m pretty sure that’s a learned cultural behavior.
There’s a reel of a dad watching a sport game on TV with his infant son. The kid keeps looking at his dad for how to react, and seems to understand what’s happening on the TV. When the team scores a point, the kid throws his hands up into the air and cheers, having seen his dad do that behaviour before.
Then he looks to his dad, who’s got his hands on his head, saying “NO!”. It was the wrong team that scored.
The kid puts his head into his hands, and collapses on the couch in his best imitation of his father.
You have years, perhaps decades, of watching people in your culture do this. So it feels natural for you to do.
Mirror neurons!