Can we please go back to making programs for the target OS and skip the browser dependency?
Browsers have almost become the OS. At least in user land.
Sure! Here! Electron.
partly I agree, but then I would prefer to run those webapps confined in a web browser
Guten Appetit!
JavaScript has its place as a lightweight runtime interpreter.
Rust has its place as a secure and modern way to engineer and produce dependable software.
Thank god.
Nom nom nom
Can I just say how beautiful that page is? Such a delight to read the text on it. The legibility. The simplicity. 😙👌
Fun fact! Lemmy is made in Rust!
Is this a 2yo write up, considering the last update was in 2023?
It was recently shared on Hackernews, I assume that’s why it’s showing up here now.
I thought python has kinda exploded lately…
Because corporations doesn’t want web to be open, everyone can javascript, not everyone can read webassembly.
The minifiers have long made JavaScript just as indecipherable
You can’t place breakpoints inside wasi binaries. You can place breakpoints inside minified js code.
I mean, maybe it’s not easy because they don’t provide debug information, but a sufficiently motivated person can debug a web assembly binary.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me recepie for apple pie. lol
You can deminify, decompiling is a bit harder.
Honestly those usecases described here shouldn’t have been done in js in the first place.
I agree.
I’m noticing this species has a problem with doing things the obviously correct way the first time.
It’s as though we’d rather put 100x more effort for 10% of the results just to prove that we “can” do it.
Well I see huge benefits in building the tools used by a community with the technology this community masters. IMO the Python’s stdlib sucks because it’s written in C which is a huge barrier to entry.
Can browsers run rust in the front end instead of javascript, or is it limited to build time and backend stuff?
Sort of, browsers can run rust code through webassembly. But i dont think this is a full replacement for JavaScript as of yet.