Title essentially. Youtube’s algorithm is hot garbage, so I can’t search for anything anymore without a ton of AI slop and rage bait. So, who do you go to for actual good long form videos? Exposes, scandals, behind the scenes, documentaries, film, travel, transit, who do you recommend I follow?
I only really subscribe to two channels that focus on 20-30 minute videos and post on a pretty regular basis:
Technology Connections
Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik
Seconding Technology Connections. Great long form content
The longest videos I watch on YouTube, and I enjoy every minute of them.
Especially the dishwashers.
I love Technology Connections, but i do have watch at 1.75X or else it’s too long form for me.
There are two YouTubers who make videos 4+ hours long that you have to watch every minute of:
Sure but HBG is the only one who can make a viral 4 hour video.
Jenny’s last 4 hour video went more than viral, to be fair.
These two were my first thought! I’ll add that both cover a range of topics, Jenny does do a lot of videos around Star Wars, but also covers obscure films, and theme parks, wherenl HBomber runs the gamut from flat earth to vaccines to video games to plagiarism. Both are incredibly well researched and, in my opinion, offer very fair takes on the subject matter.
I love Jenny, so HBomberGuy would probably be good too
Technology Connections
Technology Connections
So … Do you have any recommendations for more like technology connections? I’ve watched through every video+even the ones in the backlog). A year or so ago I stumbled on cathode ray dude (similar nerd vibes) and I’ve also seen everything from him so if anyone has a recommendation on similar channels please let me know.
TechMoan might be up your alley
He’s definitely similar and I’ve seen a couple of vids of his. But he didn’t quite “catch” me the same way.
So it’s not exactly the same but in my head they’re heavily related. NightHawkInLight. He’s this rural tinkerer/chemist dude that takes real science papers and patent info, then tries to reproduce and refine them with easier and more available means. He’s done really cool stuff with fire resistant paint, radiative cooling, and phase change materials. Plus, he has a similar " Midwestern" delivery style that’s low key and easy to listen to. Everytime he releases a video I’m excited to see what he’s been up to
Angela Collier for commentary on physics. She has a lot of good commentary on the field itself (see her recent Feynman video), but also good science videos… that I usually lose track of about 3/4 of the way through, but I enjoy nonetheless.
My favorite video title of all time is still “alkaline water …with lemon”
I actively avoid shorts so most of what I watch is long form.
- Technology Connections - A guy needing out about household tech
- Unlearning Economics - a trained economist turned public edutainer who kept learning after Econ 101, unlike others who shall remain nameless
- Behind the Bastards - Chummy laughter about the worst people ever
- RPG with DBJ - RPG talk with a focus on creativity and exploring the opportunities afforded by the space of ‘limited only by your imagination’
- We’re in Hell - A guy looking at pieces of media and the ideology infused into them by culture
- Gresham College - lectures on widely ranging topics, presented by professors but targetting the layperson
- The Morbid Zoo - A cool gal doing analysis of movies, usually horror, but sometimes others, with an eye toward ideology and culture (Hellraiser, Smile, Twilight, PotC, etc.)
- Folding Ideas - More film analysis, but with a tack toward various criticisms
- Doctor Who - the old series are all on the tubes now. Not educational, but fun.
Behind the Bastards is fucking great! If you like their stuff, you might also enjoy “Respect The Dead (A Podcast Where We Don’t).” It’s a kind of queer younger sibling to BTB and a whole lot of fun, but they only cover people who are for sure dead.
Well … My go-to is still Hbomberguy. Eben if I don’t know/care about the topic I know every vid of bis will be interesting and worth the time investment. The jokes are really funny (even on rewatches) and I’ve learned a lot. I watch old Hbomb videos to Fall asleep to almost every night.
Main issue: there’s one video every 1-2 years … However if you’ve never seen one you’ll have the back log to get through.
I love Technology Connections for an easy, interesting watch. He just explains how appliances work lol
Yes, I also love it! But sometimes he’s a bit repetitive. I usually watch his videos at 1.2x speed
For long form,
Bobby Broccoli, ~1hr videos on science scandals https://youtube.com/@bobbybroccoli
Defunctland, 30m to 1h45m videos on defunct theme parks and rides https://youtube.com/@defunctland
Your dinosaurs are wrong, 15m to 1h45m videos on comparing toy dinosaurs to the most up to date research https://youtube.com/@yourdinosaursarewrong
2nd on Drachinifel, 7m to 1h45m videos on naval History https://youtube.com/@drachinifel
Perun, 1h videos on defense economics https://youtube.com/@perunau
Diplo Strats, 2h to 6h videos on diplomacy the board game, like risk on massive steroids https://youtube.com/@diplostrats
A Catholic socialist, a Jewish anarchist, and a Muslim communist walk into a bar, and they make a podcast about engineering disasters: Well There’s Your Problem. It’s great for that intersection of people for whom the phrase “crimes against TERFs aren’t crimes” resonates and like listening to an engineer complain about low quality as-builts 2 hours into a 3 hour episode about 9/11
I was sold on the show when I found out that the episode about the Titanic was split into two parts, totaling around 5 and 1/2 hours. That’s partially because they spend a lot of time bullshitting, and partially because they go really in-depth about how and why structures fail
Their episode about Y2K hooked me.
Steve Wallis - Calm Canadian dude that does stealth camping, he’ll just camp behind a McDonald’s billboard and is very chill about it
I fuck with Steve . Solid dude living the dream I always had as a kid on a road trip: " I could build a fort and camp in the middle of that traffic circle and nobody would ever know I was there"
On the same note I really like GIFGAS. Bit of the same, just with train hopping across Europe. YouTube is apparently removing some of his videos though, but all should be on his Patreon.
For educative scientific YT channels I’d recommend Veritasium, The Action Lab and NileRed to name a few. They produce top quality scientific videos about really interesting phenomenas and experiments. And the best part is they make the concepts simple to understand without the need of a degree or smth lol
Depends how long is long form for you, if you mean like multi hour videos I have less to give. But for like 25 to 40 minutes videos:
Practical engineering - educational videos about civil engineering.
Dr. Becky - space/astronomy news from an astrophysicist.
Plainly difficult - civil disaster documentaries
Joseph Anderson - gaming essays (multi hour)
Raycevick - gaming essays (around 30min)
The sphere hunter - game essays, mainly classic horror
Jay Foreman - British comedy.
LGR - retro tech deep dives, and tech oddware.
Joe Scott - Did you know, style investigations.
Plus some already mentioned. There is probably more, but keeping this shorter.
Jay Foreman - definitely British, definitely funny, but its much more than that. Their series Unfinished London talks about infrastructure over the last hundred years and how it’s affected the layout of the city. Really interesting and pretty funny.
deleted by creator
Brick immortar- probably the single most technical long form YT channel in the engineering disasters category
NNKH - fixing things that probably shouldn’t be bothered with.
Green dot aviation - air disasters and near disasters
Pilot debrief - light aviation crash analysis
Andrew camarata - long, long form time lapse videos of running backhoes and dozers to cut roads and things, nice to relax to.
The great war - I watch on nebula but I think they are on YT too.
Hoog - explainers
Bald and bankrupt - I’ve heard mixed things about the guy as a person but his videos are entertaining, in the “travel to unusual places” genre
Integza - another one on nebula but I think also on YT. Building rocket engines with 3d printers, etc
Driving 4 answers - probably the single best automotive focused engineering channel
Ahoy @xboxahoy. Very well produced videos about gaming. A brief history of graphics, iconic arms, video game origins and more.