“Ads keep our content free to you to enjoy, please allow ads.”
** Allowing ads to the site **
LOL!! You fell for it!!! You need to subscribe too, LOL!
see, I don’t negotiate with terrorists, so I use PopUpOFF and Bypass Paywalls Clean. Also AdNauseam, TrackMeNot, CanvasBlocker, and SponsorBlock to round out the “fuck you, fuck your ads, and fuck your tracking” suite.
Hostile consumer practices becoming ubiquitous? Become a hostile consumer.
If you don’t pay you’re not the consumer. Why wouldn’t they be hostile to you?
I dunno, maybe provide such a good service that it makes me want to pay, voluntarily? Like I do with Steam?
also, “you aren’t paying them, therefor they have the right to invade your privacy and serve malicious ads to you” is such a stupid, shit take. Are you some megacorp CEO’s personal ball-gargler or something?
Steam games cost money, there’s nothing “vonutary” about it.
I worked for a few years as freelancer (so yes, I was the CEO, and the cleaning lady) and everyone was complaining that I wanted to earn money to pay my bills and felt entitled to my labor. Some friends still are in the same situation. I grew tired of freeloaders.
Yes, I detected ad-blocking for free users and didn’t serve them. Either pay me or gtfo. I ran a business to feed my family, not a charity.
You want me to PAY for that?
I’ve said it before, but news companies and magazines like this deserve some of the blame for the proliferation of “fake news.” Monetary needs or not, when they lock legitimate reporting behind paywalls that simply guarantees people are going to get their news from “free” sources instead.
I understand the need for revenue, but another solution should have been found that didn’t effectively turn facts and reality into premium subscription content.
In the UK, all the Bylines news sites are free (with the odd ad).
Sounds like they’re doing something right
It should be pretty simple: real news that affect people’s lives should always be free, since that’s a journalist’s duty to society.
Entertainment, sports, and the other stuff can be behind a paywall because people do pay for stuff like that. Plus, sensationalized stories about celebrities to get views would be far less damaging to society than sensationalized (often fake) stories about politicians to get the same views.
100% this.
This is when 12ft.io comes in handy or if that doesn’t seem to work, I just ignore whatever they were trying to get me to read. No news article is ever that important.
Another option that usually works is just disabling JavaScript for that site.
Thats what 12ft does. Its just a script blocking proxy.
or archive.is
That is not mildly infuriating. That is straight up burn them to the ground and never look back.
I mean back in the olden days I would pay for a newspaper, for example, because the ads were USEFUL. Every week there’d be a motors section where all the dealers would advertise their deals on a full page each, and punters would try and sell their clapped-out cars in the classifieds. Then once a week it was the day for job vacacies, another day was property. Gradually the businesses started getting websites and stopped advertising in papers - which in turn got thinner and less useful. They had their own websites but most never worked out how to make money from them. People could get their news on TV, newspapers were only useful for starting fires with.
Magazines have followed a similar pattern I guess. It’s a bit of a death spiral. Sad, but there you go. The online ads are just garbage, they’re not useful at all. I don’t want them, I don’t want anything they’re trying to sell.
that would be an instant block on my pihole server. Yea that site doesn’t need any of my traffic
Cough cough archive.ph
I just got a new router which actually got asgard baked into it and honestly it’s disgusting how many trackers there are.
LOL no.