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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • This is true for the US as well. It’s why legal immigration into the US isn’t as easy as people would try to pretend. Other than a student visa, you are required to have a sponsor. Whether that be a family member or significant other that can support you, or a place of business that is going to be paying you a salary so a person can support themselves.

    There are also limitations based on country of origin. Some countries don’t have that much “competition” when it comes to people applying for citizenship, so they can get through the process quickly. Other countries have huge populations of people attempting to immigrate, causing year of delays on processing paperwork. That is why “illegal” immigration is so common in the US. The process is bogged down in bureaucracy and paperwork, all of which generally require time/money/legal representation. Something a majority of US citizens could not afford if they had to do so to stay in the country.

  • Can anyone explain why Apple is such a target when there are several other companies that truly are a Monopoly, not just popular? They might not have super great business practices, but under capitalism that it not only okay, but it seems to be the default.

    There isn’t a single product they sell that only Apple sells, there is a huge market for smart phones, smart watches, home computers, tablets, headphones, chargers, etc. Being a popular product does not make a company “a monopoly” and if we wanted to just go off market share, Microsoft needs to continue to be pursued, as does Amazon, Google, Disney, Comcast, the single other ISP in your region of the country, your power and water utility companies, every chain restaurant, most places that cut men’s hair.

    Why go after Apple specifically when there are many companies to go after? Because people don’t like them? Do you like your power company? Tough shit, they are the only game in town. Do you like your ISP? Tough shit, you have two options and one is the worst DSL connection you’ve ever seen. Did you like any of the 20 streaming options in 2018? Tough shit, 12 of them merged into 3. Want to buy a computer in a store? Better like Microsoft or have the ability to install and maintain a new OS (is Linux the only other option?)

    I’m not saying Apple is amazing or they have good business practices. But there are far more insidious companies where there simply isn’t many or any legal alternatives.

  • Here are the steps I would take. Powering the device on each time it seems logical and see if anything has changed.

    -Check the power switch on the power supply. -Make sure the power cable is seated into the power supply. -Listen for any unusual noises when power supply is on -Open the computer and look for any codes or lights on the mobo, Google it -Check RAM is properly seated -Check all of the power cables visible to me from opening the case. 8-pin at the top, 24-pin on the right side, any hard drives/ssds, cable for graphics card -Inspect computer for any hot spots -Unplug video cable from graphics card the into the one on the mobo, this only works with some newish AMD, but most Intel processors are going to have onboard graphics -If nothing comes up and I can’t see any problems, you will have to start taking things out of the computer -Start with removing the graphics card -Check for any sort of damage to the power port and PCIe on the card and the slot Removing the card should allow better visibility of the mobo -Remove the back panel (if you need to) to see if all of the power supply cables are properly seated -Check any cable management in the back or any hard drives/ssd mounted back there

    After this, if nothing has changed and I don’t have any more info I would probably take apart completely, check for any kind of damage, put back together and test again with the bare minimum and adding stuff as I go. If you don’t know how to take apart or put a computer together I would follow a guide on YT.

    After that you should def have an idea what isn’t working, if everything looks fine it can be the power supply If the power supply seems okay and mobo isn’t showing any kind of lights or code (or signs of life) that is your best candidate

    As you add stuff it should give you the best indication and if you are unsure, post another edit

    My best guess based on your post is a dead motherboard but going through the steps like you want will avoid having to purchase an expensive thing for no reason

  • Reagan started the slow move to conservative legislation by both sides of the US two-party system. It’s the reason a lot of people on social media hate everything about whoever is president.

    Our liberals are center/center right, our conservatives are basically fascists and those are the two options. Most of this started with our first “celebrity” president, who was a well-known actor many years before.

    Before the Reagan era, Richard Nixon had to resign his presidency for hiding some evidence. Trump was found hiding evidence and he finished his term and is running a second time (while actively fighting multiple criminal trials). The tide shift was Reagan.

  • Sure, by the unrealistic standards late-stage capitalism Apple is falling behind. But in the scheme of things, they are still one of the most profitable/successful companies. They still have enough money to keep innovation, development, and their retail spaces open.

    There are successful companies that make a single product, and have been doing so for 50 years. I wish the view on companies would shift back to that being more the norm.