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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I love how you equate these things which people do because it makes them feel good to a giant head of fire in the sky lmao. One of those isn’t like the other.

    And as far as the flat earthers go, exactly. That’s the same sort of blind belief that is at play with religion except one can actually be disproven.

    Just seems like this god dude could sort a lot of shit out and end the pain and suffering in the world but doesn’t do it for some reason. And yes I know I know, some woman ate an apple and then some dude did too so that’s why we’re all tortured forever.

    What an awesome god.

  • sure I know the story of that book humans wrote and what it says and I’m telling you that’s wrong.

    If a fiery head appeared in the sky and rumbled the earth with his mighty voice and demands and every camera and human eye saw it on the earth at the same time (I mean it is God right? Should be doable) then nah, no one is gonna dispute that.

    You’re taking stories that have never actually happened and saying they are the truth. I could do the same with the hundreds of religious texts that predate the bible by centuries but that wouldn’t make that true either.

    Also, if god knows that a person will remain wicked forever why does he keep them here to live a full life? And in turn, if he thinks they might change wouldn’t that be a test?

  • What would happen if they did it with Islam? The same mental illness but instead with more violence.

    I mean south park had to take an episode down making fun of Islam because of death threats.

    I don’t seem to recall them having to do it for any of the countless episodes (rightfully) making fun of Christianity. So there’s definitely something differnt going on there.

    My thing is though if these Almighty gods (or the almighty god depending on who you ask) really didn’t like to be made fun of couldn’t they just, you know, take care of that?

    I mean hey man one fiery head in the sky speaking demands for like, 20 seconds of time is all it would take. Boom. Suddenly everyone is on the same page.

    But nah, god is a trickster and wants to make you pass tests for his amusement like a rat in a lab. Difference being the almighty god of course knows the results of the test anyway so really just makes you do it for his own enjoyment.

    Religion is a disease. It deserves to be made fun of.

  • See I hear you except when it becomes full on straight up murder.

    And the other commenter talked about how those homes (more like facilities I have learned) the kid is in are recruitments from local gangs to get kids to kill people and go unjailed.

    Maybe they shouldn’t take America’s hard-line view on kids and crime but I’d say the soft view they are using now isn’t working very well.

    And so what this kid grows up into an adult and then just gets to go back into the world, having killed someone who was innocent because a gang told him too?

    Sounds like its a great policy.