I’m really hoping Harris wins, and we can make politics boring again. I know that if Trump wins, we’ll hear about all the insanity he will put in place for the next four years.
Sure, if he loses, Trump will cry foul, but that doesn’t have the same legs as it would if he wins.
I just want Trump to be some washed out TV “celebrity” and politics to be as entertaining as it always is: not very.
I’m not American and all I hear about right now is American politics. Y’all need to figure your shit out.
If Trump wins, the world will become a way less hospitable place even faster. This is literally the fight for the last resources, and the 1% wants it all. Trump is a Billionaire enabler… nothing else.
sorry to say but if trump is junior partner in a billionaire oligarchy firm then harris is their employee as head of hr who pretends to be our friend but is actually their to keep us in check. she was chose as vp by the lobbyists and since then she has only followed their orders.
At least she won’t strip away any right. Freedom my arse.
If Trump loses, that dissolves the Trump cult and the next Trump that comes along will just be compared to Trump
I wouldn’t count on that. These are cultists who are ready to deify Trump and start sending people to the camps. I don’t think losing an election will change the fundamental cult dynamic, or the hatred and anger that has been organized within the cult. We are stuck with this bullshit probably for the rest of our lives, one way or the other.
next four years
Americans are also watching in horror FYI
Less than 50% of them
Apparently those Mussolini style of speeches and the other 50 or so political suicides did not really matter as much as you would think. No matter the outcome this being this close I think spells the end of the USA as a rational power.
America really really hates women.
And wierdly is made mostly of women, who must hate woman.
those Mussolini style of speeches
Like Kamala at the DNC saying that the US needs to have the MOST LETHAL army in the world, and the crowd bursting into chants of “USA, USA, USA”?
Unfortunately, just shy of 50%
With electoral reform, we could have more then two artificially limited options. We could have competition in our elections. We could be free…
We will never have election reform that represents the will of the people, because the capitalist class, which has run this country since its inception through bourgeois revolution, will never allow “tyranny of the majority” reforms. They would sooner unleash fascism upon us than allow real democracy.
Watch the next Canadian election and be equally dumbfounded / terrified.
At least that election season won’t last more than 7 weeks. Instead of this insane 2 year marathon the US has.
Funny, I was watching tv and had a Canadian station on. Every other commercial break was a Pierre Putinfever ad.
In Canada, Elections campaigns can last a MAXIMUM of 50 days.
Somehow, in the past few years, the laws for campaign ads changed (thanks Crtc!) and they no longer fall into the category of a campaign.
And there are newish election laws that set out a ‘pre campaign period’ that allows further erosion of the campaign time limit restrictions.
That period - anytime after the last election.
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Hey, remember when the liberal party of Canada ran and won on electoral reform? And then just went “nah bro” and didn’t get anything done about it?
Oopsie daisy gee golly isnt governing hard? Not that you would know because youre not in their club and you will never get a chance to govern.
Looks like now you have to vote for the liberals again or yous gets the conservatives again. Ahhh shucks ding dang it. What a conundrum. Quite the pickle ain’t it?
Sound familiar?
Never voted liberal.
Will vote NDP again.
Yeah sounds familiar and I’ll vote Trudeau if it is needed to stop conservatives from getting in power.
Why? We are a multi party nation.
NDP is always pushed aside because people are scared of the cons.
The liberals are just as bad as the cons but in a different way.
Canada’s national identity is basically the results of the work of the NDP. Yet they are never given opportunity.
Look what happened in the States.
The fucking Antichrist now had another 4 years because the dems focused on their own interests instead of the common folk.
The liberals have ignored everyone but their faces in a mirror.
Nothing would have been accomplished if the NDP hadnt pushed them to.
Anyway, welcome to the tribulations.
People are clueless the literal hell they’ve unleashed.
Let’s face reality. The first time that Trump was elected, everyone was surprised, sure.
Now that he will be elected again, there is no more surprise. A lot of Americans still chose Trump after everything he’s said and done and he’s won the popular vote.
The US have been toeing the line of fascism for a while now and a good proportion of their citizens just told us they embraced it, regardless of if they know what that entails or not.
Donald Trump is just a symptom, not the cause. If there wasn’t any fascists, he wouldn’t even be in the race yet here we are.
With that said, if the polls are really close between the Libs and Cons for a majority government, I for sure will vote for the Libs. The Cons are the worst possible majority government we can have.
Otherwise, I am free to choose NPD, as I did in every elections before.
The national identity of being Canadian over the last while has been every four years wondering if the downstairs neighbors are going to decide to restart up the meth lab they keep tinkering with and bracing for the sounds of domestic violence to resume.
gives side eye in indigenous Glass houses bro
People in Canada are delusional and think it can’t happen to us too because we’re the polite maple syrup guys. I’ve seen the projections for Pierre Poilievre. We are in 2015 America, where everybody thinks “people won’t vote for that guy, he obviously sucks”, and they aren’t right.
Not saying our shit doesn’t stink but there’s a certain matter of scale to consider. Leastaways we don’t have nukes we can hand over to the psychopath we are looking at voting in.
His IQ is currently equal to his amount of felonies
Edit: The fact that this comment has exactly 37 upvotes makes it even funnier
I’m just hoping this comment ages like milk as his convictions pile up with his other trials.
What other trials? Those will never happen now.
So far. He may become a genius over the next year
That’s being rather generous…
You’re right
The writers really know how to keep the audience biting their nails, this season
Every season needs to top the previous one. Wait until you see what’s in store for next season!!!
Genuine question, but why is Trump even allowed to run? I vaguely know that there are some restrictions on who can become President (you have to be a certain age and be born in the USA iirc), how can it be that “Hasn’t been convicted for any crimes recently” isn’t a requirement?
because political dissidents who are in jail for trying to overthrow a dictatorship should also be able to run. it’s one of those unfortunate situations where this would be a good thing to have under an authoritarian government…
Under an authorisation government though I assume the law would be rescinded, so it’s not really protecting anybody.
I mean becoming an authoritarian government to prevent an authoritarian government doesn’t really make sense
Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire
That’s like saying we shouldn’t send anyone to prison because some of them might be innocent. You have to try your best with a system but that system has to be robust enough that it cannot be abused otherwise it will end up being abused.
It probably wouldn’t be allowed under an authoritarian government though…
of course not. the american “system of checks and balances” only works if everyone plays by the rules.
I feel like they should introduce a rule that says that if you’re more bronzer than flesh, you’re not allowed to stand.
This is an insult to spoons.
As much as I’d like to make fun of the 'muricans, I’m well aware Brazil would totally do the same fucking thing with jair bolsonaro. Thankfully the fucker is ineligible for another 7 or so years, but his sons are still causing trouble.
Yeah its one thing if youre a trump supporter because then you are just a sheep but i actually dont understand whats going on in the head if those who have to think about the decision
“But the felon promised me cheaper eggs.”
I’ve been saying this all day now, when the Nazi eventually cries about the higher food prices because they deported all the immigrants our duty is to tell them: shut the fuck up, you voted for this.
For the third time in a row
America wasn’t built on just immigrants, it was built upon a certain type of immigrants: opportunists who placed greed above everything else. It shows.
The first waves, sure. Once you get to the Irish escaping the famine or the Italians escaping Mussolini, it became more about just survival.
The OGs were racist as fuck towards them, too.
They served as fuel for the social structures the first waves built.