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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Same. I stopped eating meat in the mid 90s, was pescatarian until 2019, and have been vegan since. I don’t miss meat at all. I’ll eat an impossible or a beyond burger occasionally because it’s sometimes my only option, but I could just as easily skip them.

    I wouldn’t judge anyone else for eating lab meat, though. I don’t have any moral issue with it, it just isn’t something I’m personally interested in.

  • Definitely don’t do what I do, which is to shut down entirely, pretend it doesn’t bother you, and completely close the door on any future relationships until you’ve gotten so used to being alone that you probably couldn’t allow another person in even if you wanted to. Super healthy stuff! Honestly, being able to express that you’re sad and hurt is good. It hurts and it can feel unbearable, but it means you’re still feeling things. The last time I coped in a healthy way, I wanted to wallow in bed (and I did, some) but I made myself get up and do small things I enjoyed. Nothing big that required a lot of effort, just things like going to get lunch with my mom or taking a walk with a friend. It was distracting enough to ease the pain, and showed that my whole life wasn’t over because of a break up. The only other thing that helped was time.

  • It’s really dependent on the field. I started a job as a temp and then proved that I was smart enough to do other things, so I got hired permanently, but it wasn’t in the field I was studying, just something I ended up enjoying. There are some jobs where that won’t cut it. Whatever your dream job is might be one of those, but I don’t really believe in dream jobs, so I was open to stuff that seemed kind of weird on the surface. I learned a lot about what mattered to me in a job doing that.

  • I’ll second what another commenter said about talking to a doctor, because it does sound like this might be more than just disinterest. That said, drop out. Get a job and work for a while. Try different things. The path we think we want in our late teens and early 20s is often very different from where we end up, and that can be a good thing. I finally quit trying to force myself to finish my degree when I was 22 and I wish I’d done it much sooner. I did eventually go back and get a different degree in my 30s, but in the meantime, I worked at jobs I never expected to find interesting and learned a ton while building a solid resume. College is great, but it’s not for everyone, and it’s definitely not for everyone at “college age.”

  • I haven’t listened to Madonna since the early 90s and don’t give one single fuck about her. As others have pointed out, it’s not doxxing if the guy publicly filed a lawsuit and his name is featured in most of the articles about it. His social media is (or was, as of yesterday) public and when you google him, his dad’s firm is one of first things that comes up. And they’re relevant because their motto appears to be, “we will sue somebody for you,” so it’s clear he’s following in his father’s footsteps. Suing Madonna, a performer who has had sexual content as part of her performances for 40 years is clearly a money grab and he deserves to be mocked for it.

    Unless you are Justin, I’m not sure why you’re going so hard for this dude.

  • If it’s laparoscopic, it shouldn’t be too bad. I spent pretty much the whole first week in bed napping off and on, other than short walks every couple of hours. The second week, I worked from home (still in bed) and had to lay down for a few minutes here and there, but felt a lot better. With ice packs and rest, I only needed to take anything for pain the first 4-ish days and then occasionally when I pushed myself a little too hard, and I never needed anything stronger than advil/tylenol.

    The only thing I wish I’d done was either taking higher doses of stool softeners or taking a laxative sooner - it’s unpleasant to talk about but trust me when I say your SO really doesn’t want to go several days without pooping when you can’t really push without feeling like you’re going to tear something important.

  • A long weekend to rest. I had a hysterectomy on the 1st and went back to work last week and by last night I was so sore. I’m feeling a lot better overall but sitting up for 8 hours a day was a lot harder than I expected. Having 3 days where I can lay down when I need to is really nice. Plus, it’s supposed to be really nice out, so maybe I’ll do some of the resting in my hammock.