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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • kinda feel like those individuals shouldn’t be allowed to use computers to do their jobs. If you can’t master just pass the basics, sorry. Here’s a pencil and a pad of paper.

    My wife had her HR rep get pissed at her just yesterday for sending an email to her boss and other higher-ups asking why assistant managers at her company can’t use the computers theyre on all day properly. She had asked for a screenshot of something so she could see what the other person was seeing and they replied with “I can’t do that idk how” and thought that was acceptable?

    Luckily the other higher ups told HR to shut up and that she was only mad because it’s her job to ensure basic computer literacy and she clearly didn’t.

    People 100% get into the mindset that “well, I already know the basics, so anything I don’t know is advanced user shit so I can’t learn it” and it’s infuriating

  • Which is neither fallout or elder scrolls

    It’s in the same engine with the same mechanics that the last 2 Single-Player Fallout and Elder Scrolls games used (the gunplay is Fallout, the magic is Skyrim shouts, exploration is the same in all of them), to pretend Starfield doesn’t reflect on what future BGS Games will be like just because it doesn’t have the same name as their other series is patently silly

    Nothing more than a 7/10

    Your standards are way too low if you think Starfield is anything close to a 7

  • Customer Service Rep is my title

    CSR/AR/AP/Billing/IT is a lot closer to my actual workload

    Before that I worked in the yard doing propane repair, and my name starts with Ha- so if I ever make Assistant Manager, well, I’ll truly have become my childhood hero by complete fuckin accident.

    Oh, I also used to be the guy responsible for keeping the people living up in the hills near Redding, CA with power after the fires 2 years ago. During the 6 rivers lightning complex fire in 2022 I was within a few hundred feet of the fire break crews while I was 4x4ing up mountainsides to keep generators full of fuel.

  • Almost like they shit hovering over it

    Yeah, that’s what they do. Ive seen multiple women admit to it when the topic of how gross their bathrooms are and I’ve SEEN men drunkenly fall over while doing it while in there for my own uses at some events

    When I say seen I mean I’m using the urinal and a guy goes in and clearly never touches ass to sear, then falls over. Sure, drunk people CAN fall off a seat, but not that often