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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I have found my headset useful for work, when working from home and I don’t do camera on meetings anyway.

    At home it’s pretty nice, and since my ears are open I can actually talk, so my wife actually prefers it over me wearing headphones. But all things in moderation, I wouldn’t wear it constantly.

    Despite being a huge fan of the concept, I still couldn’t go for Apple’s headset, it’s heavy, it’s expensive, and lack of controllers are all deal breakers. The Quest 3 is lighter, has good controllers, and is more affordable. It may not have the displays as nice as Vision, but that doesn’t make up for the rest of the stuff.

  • Strong is not mutually exclusive with fat.

    I have a friend who made ability to lift heavy stuff basically his whole identity. Correlated with that was at any gathering he made a big show of eating just way more than everyone else because he’s a “big guy” and his muscles demand that much. So long as he could lift, obviously he must be fit, he works out after all. Basically his concept of masculinity is lift the heaviest stuff and eat the most stuff.

    Now he’s struggling with diabetes and liver problems, despite being crazy strong. Never did cardio, and ate way more than he needed.

    Yes, BMI can be misleading and being a bit muscular can have a higher BMI and be healthier than BMI says, but odds are if you are up in the obese territory, you probably are packing a lot of visceral fat screwing up your gut.

  • With a DVR? Yes.

    When ads are a distinct bit of content recognized by the client, then the casual user with the stock client/no add-ons can’t overcome the UI choice to block you from seeking unless youtube lets you. But this allows ad blockers to skip even downloading the ad, because it’s clear what is content and what is ad.

    If the ad is completely “just part of the stream” with zero indication where ads begin and end, then you can at least seek back and forth, with not even the official client able to block you from seeking, because it doesn’t know where the ads are either. The client downloads the stream.

    If the stream is accompanied by some metadata letting the client know when to block seeking, then ad blockers can use that to auto-seek.

    I suspect the last one is going to be the case, because they both want to limit seeking during ad, and they also want to change things to an ad experience so that you ‘click through’ to what the ad is trying to get you to do.

  • If your youtube experience has been all about ignoring ad blocking, your experience has still been thoroughly enshitified.

    Once upon a time you might get a single ad before the video, and be able to skip it if it went over 5 seconds.

    Over time, we have gotten multiple commercial breaks, skip button being per-ad instead of per-break, the delay before skip extending to 30 seconds or no skip being allowed at all. Ads slipped into the stream sounds like ad skipping would be totally gone and I bet there’s no “ads capped at a reasonable length” either.

    Of course, as this has gone on, the content is increasingly just not worth it. So many titles that I know could be answered in like 10 seconds show a length of 40 minutes or so, and it’s generally not “oh just a segue into a more engaging broader topic”, it’s stupid meandering and padding because long videos are somehow better for the creator. So if I see a youtube title that intrigues me, I google to find the wikipedia article they are probably sourcing instead.

  • I’d say it’s that people tend to use Agile because consultants tell them they can be piss poor managers dealing with the crappiest developers and stupid business ideas and still make awesome stuff if they just make everything buzzword compatible.

    I’d say projects without much of an upfront project plan can still be very successful, but it’s all about having a quality team, which isn’t something a two week ‘training and consultancy’ session isn’t going to get you, so there’s no big marketing behind that sort of message.

  • I think the take away should be:

    new research conducted for a new book, Impact Engineering,

    By contrast, projects adopting a new Impact Engineering approach detailed in a new book released today only failed 10% of the time.

    So the people who want to sell you ‘Impact Engineering’ say ‘Impact Engineering’ is better than Agile… Hardly an objective source.

    Even if they have success with their ‘Impact Engineering’ methodology, the second it becomes an Agile-level buzzword is the second it also becomes crap.

    The short of the real problem is that the typical software development project is subject to piss poor management, business planning, and/or developers and that piss poor management is always looking for some ‘quick fix’ in methodology to wave a wand and get business success without across the board competency.