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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s multiple reasons:

    • Zionists have made it a priority to make sure they have their people / sympathisers in high places in politics and media. Anyone who even hints at considering calling Palestinians people gets pushed out.
    • Israel is a laboratory for ‘policing’, anti-terrorism and surveillance tactics. This technology and know-how is indispensable for both the ‘democracies’ in the West and dictatorships, including Arab dictatorships that pay lip service to the Palestinian cause, but don’t actually do anything. If crowd control tactics work on Palestinians, they work on leftie protestors and civil rights movements in the West and popular democratic movements in authoritarian regimes.
    • people don’t want to be called anti-semites (especially in Europe, where every country has a horrific history with that), which is why they’ve been trying very hard to conflate Zionism with Jewishness.
    • there’s also a global right-wing nationalism on the rise, where people like Modi, Orban, Trump, Netanyahu, … sort of espouse the same rhetoric that used to be limited to white supremacy, but it’s just applied to their ethnicity/race/religious group. The neo-nazis are still anti-semites, but they see Israel as the place they can ship all the Jews to when the time comes. Israel’s actions making Jews outside of Israel a target for retaliation plays into that as well.

  • Exactly this. When a family could buy a house and raise a whole bunch of kids on one minimum wage income, you had a baby boom. Now wages have stagnated where you can barely make it as a childless couple on two wages, why the hell would you have kids in that environment? They spent 50 years chipping away at any kind of social program that helps people, and now they’re complaining that the capitalist eternal growth Ponzi scheme could collapse.