• 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • kinther@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldShe's just picky
    4 months ago

    Are you ok friend? Did I use the wrong meme format and offend you?

    My dog happily ate her food after throwing up this morning. She has GERD, which is typical for her breed. Sometimes she doesn’t feel well, pukes instead of eating (which would help the nausea), then I get to clean up puke while she eats her breakfast. If I don’t put enough topper on her kibble, or cook an egg and mix it in, or sprinkle cheese on top, often times she won’t eat at all.

  • I had a group of players in a Curse of Strahd campaign. They started killing soldiers in Vallaki indiscriminately and leaving behind their bodies - not even looting them! So I had Strahd return a bag of things they “left behind” including a letter from a loving wife about how much she missed soldier A, a drawing from a child for their father soldier B, a locket with a picture of soldier C and wife, etc.

    They didn’t like that.