• 9 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • Also from my interactions on here:

    On one side I have an old catholic bum who is committing genocide (by allowing companies to sell to a man who is committing genocide), and in the other side I have a convicted felon who would absolutely continue the genocide while removing my human rights and wants to turn the country into a dictatorship.

    As a leftist, these two are exactly the same and I’m not voting.

  • OOC:

    Ya know, take a moment to look around. Think about yourself a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago. What were your biggest problems then? What are your biggest problems now?

    My hope is that you have better problems now than you did back then. I also hope you are doing some things now that you only dreamed of back then. I hope you had the courage and opportunity to make the moves you used to be terrified of.

    The thing with success, is that it’s not the top of some mountain. It’s this elusive thing that keeps you dreaming for more and more, because you don’t just stop dreaming if you “attain” success.

    “When you take a moment to accept things as they are, you don’t need to hope anymore because you realize where you are is kind of okay.”

  • Oh yeah I’ve had that conversation over and over. I’m well aware of the reality of a profession in music, but I also have realized in the 10 years I spent in corporate America that I can’t live that life.

    Someone said “don’t get a career in the arts until you’ve exhausted all other options”. It was annoying to have to constantly convince my mom that I was deeply unhappy in those roles, but she’s come around a bit more especially because I’m actually finding success following my passion.

    It’s a rough road for sure, but I’ve found avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.

  • While I had a lot of things that made me angry at my mom in my early 20s, I realized she did this with me with my music. Sometimes she still would suggest I go into sales and get a big boy job and get down on me for my choices, but I also know on her good days she was super supportive. The last panel is word for word what she would say.

  • Am I the only one who has been hearing the frustrations coming from democrats and Biden about Netanyahu? Reading these comments you’d think Biden has been best buddy’s with Netanyahu and all is squeaky clean in their relationship, which is very, VERY much not the case. You’d also think that democratic leadership didn’t just call out Netanyahu and suggest Israeli’s vote him out over Gaza.

    It’s so weird that Biden is simultaneously Genocide Joe and Pro Hamas Biden.

    I know talk is cheap and we are still sending military aid to Israel, but it all comes down to Biden facing daily trolley problems and balancing keeping friendly relationships with our one (nuclear capable) middle eastern country, taking the US seriously as a country that can stop a genocide by saying no to this (nuclear capable) middle eastern country, a reelection, and sending a message to the United States allies and adversaries of if we will or will not support who we say we will support.

    The answer to stop sending arms to Israel is clear to us, but let’s not pretend it’s that easy. The rules for rulers are not that straightforward.

  • Joe is both “Genocide Joe” and “Pro Hamas Joe” depending on who you ask. The way I see it, he’s an unpopular president of a deeply fractured country with fascism knocking on the door while a geopolitical ally is commiting atrocities and another is is being attacked by our historic adversary. He is being faced with a million prisoner’s trolley problemmas. This won’t obsolve him of his role in the conflict, but we should recognize that he is in a precarious position with some very real reasons to have pause.

    Take note: Biden has been able to pass a shit ton of legislation and so did LBJ, but to think either of them got a free lunch is deeply misguided. LBJ had to make Vietnam happen to get the welfare state. “I gave you your damn war, now give me my programs”.

    With the election coming up, he can’t just consider Palestine as the only priority. Medicare funding. Voting rights. Abortion rights. Gun control. Debt forgiveness. Inflation. Climate change. If he loses the moderate vote, which is not as pro-palestine as the progressive left, he loses everything. (Side note: this is why you absolutely should vote for Biden. If he and the DNC sees that the progressive left cary a large portion of their votes, they will act accordingly. People who don’t vote are politically useless)

    If you follow a multitude of news outlets, you might pick up on how Joe and Netanyahu have had strained relations (you can imagine how those calls are going). Joe continues the US stance of a two state solution (remember that Trump favors full Israeli control of Palestine).

    I mean, yes we need to continue to push for Joe to call for a cease fire, but immediately pulling the plug on Israel funding will have negative consequences domestically and abroad.

    Remember that Iran is set to have nuclear capabilities by the end of the year. While there needs to be freedom for Palestine, let’s not pretend an anti Zionist solution won’t result in millions of dead Jews. If “well one side needs to agree to be annihilated” is your solution, you won’t find peace anytime soon as people won’t just agree to die, especially people with a well equipped Army (and an undisclosed amount of nukes).

    The other possibility is that Israel wouldn’t just take losing funding from the US. If we cut ties with Israel completely, they would look to their older ally, Russia (people forget Israel once was cozy with Moscow). We need Israel to stop their genocide, but we certainly don’t want them, nor their nukes, as an enemy.

    That said there are good reasons to cut funding. Cutting funding could be the push to get Israelis to oust Bibi in favor of a more liberal government. Cutting funding could boost the US in popularity with our NATO allies and also woo India, Brazil, and South Africa away from China and Russia. We have to ask if the risk is worth it, and what are the odds of each outcome.

    If you’re interested in why leaders don’t come to the same obvious conclusions that you do, I would recommend CGP Grey’s 20 minute video, Rules for Rulers

    If this shit was easy there wouldn’t be a degree in Political Science.