I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying “woke”, “critical race theory”, ““grooming””, and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open.

You never see the inverse. There is no ConservativesofTiktok getting churches harassed into shutting down for the day or calling in threats. You don’t see cringey boomer memes on the left. And whenever I openly express those feelings, try to create that sentiment; I get shut down. Noone agrees, I’m often shamed and muted. I just don’t understand why that parity exists, it’s extremely isolating to feel so alone in this

  • blargerer@kbin.social
    2 months ago

    They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.

    • aasatru@kbin.earth
      2 months ago

      This. Conservatives tend to themselves be the victims of a failed system, hating them for failing to address it in a useful manner is hardly constructive. I reserve my hatred for billionaires.

  • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Saw a cartoon years ago. Panel 1 = “How Democrats See The World.” It’s a globe with the USA divided into Red States and Blue States. The rest of the countries are pink/green/orange except for a few black spots with a skull and crossbones marked ‘Terrorists.’

    Panel 2 = “How the GOP Sees the World…” Same globe, except there are only two colors; the Red States and everything else is “Terrorists.”

    • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 months ago

      In Germany, there is a conservative/far-right party that actually sees things that way. The AfD, the self-proclaimed “Alternative for Germany” (literally the spiritual successor to the NSDAP, the party of Adolf Hitler) once posted this picture on Facebook:

      It shows a map of Germany, divided in two parts. The east, where the AfD has many supporters labeled as the Federal Republic of Germany, and the West where the AfD has been losing many elections labeled as an islamic Caliphate. These Nazis actually think that half of Germany is controlled by migrants and islamists. This insane view of the world is so fucked up, I can’t really describe it. Fun fact: An AfD member of the German parliament has been caught accepting large sums of money from Russia. Their MPs repeatedly traveled to Russia during the invasion of Ukraine, including the illegally annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. They also think that Russian elections are totally legit and Putin the war criminal has been legitimately elected by the Russian people. Their MPs also work for the Chinese intelligence service btw: https://lemmy.world/post/15121591

      • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Back in the day, the Soviets overtly backed Leftist positions across the world. They ended up empowering the Far Right by giving them a concrete enemy. Former KGB operative Putin reversed it; he’s been supporting the Right to undermine the West for years.

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    A lot of the responses are correct, but there is one aspect being missed.

    Liberals don’t NEED to hate conservatives. There are real problems in the world that the left is trying to remedy.

    Conservatives NEED to hate the left. Modern conservatism (and some would argue all conservatism) doesn’t have any moral ideology. There is nothing they’re fighting to for. Conservative ideology is the idea that there is a group that the law should protect but not bind and a group that the law should bind but not protect. To push this, an out-group has to be created and hate is the only way to dehumanize someone enough to treat them the way conservatives treat women, minorities, LGBTQ+ etc…

    Conservatives hate Liberals because conservatism doesn’t work without hate. They hate because they NEED to.

    • Illuminostro@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      They are fighting for something: greed. All the other stuff is to distract you while they’re robbing you blind.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Politics is fundamentally different for conservatives. They have to have someone to hate. It’s drilled into them by their media outlets.

    The tactic is a form of fear based control that conservative media has been working on since Nixon, and made into effect with the birth of Fox News in 1996.

    Seriously. Nixon’s think tank conceived the conservative media outlet as a catch-all, exclusive source of news that as a primary function would steer conservatives to not trust other news sources.

    They did this because they did not want another Watergate, where conservatives turned against Nixon because of hard evidence laid out by popular unbiased news, which at the time conservatives still were informed by.

    The Frankenstein’s monster of a party that that tactic has turned conservatives into requires manufactured rage to fuel the fire. If the outrage ever simmers, you begin to see smarter conservatives recognizing what their party has become and it begins to fall apart.

    So there’s your answer. It’s because the hate is necessary to continue the control. If you don’t believe me, turn on Fox news. There’s always the manufactured rage-of-the-day filling the air time.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    You have been hanging in the wrong places lol.

    There are absolutely identity politics driven US liberals (as opposed to the use of liberal by the rest of the world) that are ranting, raving assholes. Always have been.

    But, here’s the thing. Those assholes are much more likely to be ostracized and/or shut down by the less batshit US liberals, progressives, socialists, etc that form the “left” writ large. But echo chambers for it do exist anyway. There’s a few on lemmy, though they aren’t federated with most of the rest.

    Here’s the key difference. What conservatives want to conserve is their sense of power. It’s mostly straight, cis white people here in the US. There’s plenty of exceptions, but they tend to not be as loud and asinine as the ones you’re talking about.

    That’s where the anger comes from: fear. Fear of black/brown/yellow/red people. Fear of anything different. Fear of a non Christian based world leaving them behind.

    The ones at the top also want to stay rich and powerful in the political sense, and are perfectly willing to weaponize their voting base to do so.

    The ones at the top of the various non-conservative branches in the US also want to keep power and make money, and they’ll use different fear to mobilize, but they don’t usually weaponize it.

    Fwiw, if you’re one of the ones that does want to play petty, childish games instead of doing something useful, it’s good you’re shamed and muted. Shit or get off the pot. Engage in real work for real change, and do it like you know how to pretend to be a civilized human being. I’m not even talking about peaceful efforts. If you really want to force change, step the fuck up and do something about it. Start the revolution you want to see. Just don’t be some douche harassing churches and pretending it’s anything other than self congratulatory masturbation.

  • Treczoks@kbin.social
    2 months ago

    Conservatives are afraid. They (at least the professionals and the GOP as an organisation) are well aware that they are on course to get irrelevent in the future. Not only are their politicians getting older, their voter base is getting older and shrinking. So the try everything in the book to stay relevant: Gerrymandering, reducing access to the voting process fro people who are unlikely to vote for them, etc. And as we all know, fear, or worse, existencial dread, leads to hate for the other side, the group of people seen as their very threat to their existence.

    They are basically cornered rats, clawing and biting the pest control man.

  • JoBo@feddit.uk
    2 months ago

    Because there is no mirror image.

    @pjwestin@lemmy.world has given you a good description of fascist methods. They’re not available to the opponents of fascism because they are not fascists.

    Fascism appeals to the worst parts of our nature. It gives permission to those feeling fear, humiliation or shame to lash out in anger and destroy the people that make them feel that way.

    You can’t deploy the same tactics to make those people want to be on your side instead. If you try to shame them, they will just hate harder.

    You should, of course, expose and ridicule the grifters who lead fascist movements and punching fascists is encouraged. But you need to distinguish between authoritarian leaders and the people they seek to lead.

    You should not pander to the billionaire-funded leaderships (take note NYT), but you must not sneer at the people they are trying to lead (take note centrist Dems).

    • ken_cleanairsystems@lemmy.sdf.org
      2 months ago

      lash out in anger and destroy the people that make them feel that way

      Small correction: “… destroy the people that they think make them feel that way”.

      • JoBo@feddit.uk
        2 months ago

        Because handing election victories to fascists is a really, really bad idea.

      • orcrist@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        “So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life’s too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it.” ― American History X

        “I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me: nobody cares for the woods as I care for them, not even Elves nowadays.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

  • TachyonTele@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Conservatives make politics their identity, and hate everyone that doesn’t also identify as them. Most other people realize that’s stupid, they just want a better life.

  • orcrist@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Liberals are not leftists. You can choose your own definitions, but I would say that many so-called liberals are actually pro-capitalist anti-worker centrists. And the center is not so far from the center-right. So many liberals don’t hate conservatives. On the other hand, many conservatives bundle liberals and leftists together, because complexity is so irritating, making it easy to hate the entire group (even though it’s actually at least two groups).

    And quite obviously, many liberals and leftists hate some conservatives. You aren’t alone. That being said, hate is an emotion, and however you feel is totally fine because it’s your life. At the same time, hate itself is not constructive. Many people read and write about politics online because we want to learn about or change our world. If the content you’re creating doesn’t help with either of those goals, some people are going to ignore or down vote it.

    Anyway, your community is surely out there, if you keep looking.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Conservative Politics is about giving their base something/someone to be angry at.

    LBJ summed it up the best:

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

    Back then it was the african american population. Today it’s trans/lgbt/migrants/muslims/etc… Insert your group of choice here and that’s the Conservative political machine.

  • That_Devil_Girl@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Conservatives are typically motivated by anger and fear. They tend to be less educated and more superstitious. They can be easily swayed by appeals to their religious beliefs.

    Those motivated by anger and fear are far more easily tricked and manipulated by others with nefarious intent. They can even be deceived into going against their own interests, as evident by Republican politicians and their opposition to democracy and freedom.

    Liberals are typically motivated by humanism and live-and-let-live philosophy. They tend to be more educated and less superstitious.

    Democrat politicians have a much harder time trying to browbeat liberal voters to do their will. They’re conflicted as they lose voters if they obey their rich donors, and they lose rich donors if they obey their voters.

  • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Gunna take this as Liberal/Conservative as party brand names rather than strict social ideology and you’re talking about “the left” more generally.

    I think the short answer is empathy. When you dig down to the bottom a lot of the discussion on the left talks about different forms of human needs. A need to feel accepted and loved, desires to exist publicly without fear… It is a radical form of empathy that asks you to put yourself in multiple pairs of shoes and see the world through perspectives you aren’t naturally born into. The ultimate aim is to achieve a picture of humanity which is inclusive of the widest possible range of understanding.

    In that way “Conservatives” are also people. It is not impossible to empathize with their issues. It takes a lot cognitively to internalize this new data and a lot of the rejection from the right comes not from outright cruelty but a desire for things to be and remain simple and easy. They don’t want to stretch themselves and are scared of a world where that is something they are forced to do. The issue is a lot of the people selling the pitchforks on that side are doing it because it benefits them. That desire to understand encompasses the motives of individual Conservatives and splits them apart. A lot of the issues Conservatives have is that the left is “preachy” that we act like we’re better than them and that does come from somewhere. Some leftists do just want to be the smartest most correct person in the room but others are just waiting for the Conservatives they know to be more understanding of other people who they learned about so they stop being mean. The person who pitties the school bully is often their target because that empathy seems to the bully like condescension.

    • ObliviousEnlightenment@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      After a certain point, you have to realize your bully is either incapable or unwilling to engage in that empty. At which point, your option is beat or get beat

  • derf82@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh were largely responsible for turning politics into a team sport and convincing Conservatives that all Liberals are evil and that is a Liberal wants it, it must be bad.