The List
- Danny Devito
- Danny Devito
- Danny Devito
Oops. I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.
The B.A.R.R.Y.M.O.R.E. System
The D.R.E.W. system
be D.irected by D.anny D.eVito
wR.ite your sex list on the back of your script
E.ntice your host
W.in the dick out of his pants.
That one sucks, let me try another
D.emand you can stay at his place
R.evise your previous lovers on a list
E.licit sexual actions from your host
W.rite his name on your list
That would’ve been the best opportunity for Danny DeVito to update her list with some pretty funny companions…
Just review the list.
A good match up we can all enjoy.
The dangers of drinking.
Any port in a storm I guess.
I just want to know if Danny Devito was on the list.
Why do you think she was at his house?
At his house, with her list. Hope he didn’t get get an STD 🤞
At his age, he probably wears then like a badge of honor.
His was the only name.
Of course he is. I would.
Ouch. “The 50 first dated actress.”
Low blow
Precluding the instance of STI after having unprotected sex with several partners in a relative applicable time frame, just why?
Here is a picture of my list of all the people I’ve ever had sex with. Enjoy.
People keep sex lists? The hell?
I had a friend at university who was in quite a long relationship who kept a list of people she wanted to sleep with in case they broke up. So when they eventually had a break up, she postponed getting back together until she had cleared the list, which took her about two months. I was not on the list, in case you’re wondering, nor did I want to.
For real? That’s both sad and creepy.
I hope the other person in the relationship bailed for their own sake.