The setting does nothing. Someday they’ll have to pay a fine for that, but they’ve already budgeted it as a cost of doing business.
I tried turning that on but it only applies to California residents.
I always wondered what part of the bread making process you’d use ground bones for.
If you’re feeling both morbid and curious, you can easily buy bone meal and try it out.
Bone meal is a very common fertilizer. It may not be food safe to eat, but you can probably make a loaf of bread and look at it at least.
you can probably make a loaf of bread and look at it
I can’t tell if that would be a sign of a crushingly empty existence or an exciting combination of drug induced psychoses 😆
Nit: it’s not ‘opt-in’ when you’re forced in and must not out; it’s ‘opt-out’ style, then, and that’s how you know people are dicks.
But it is opt-in. You can opt-in to not having your bones ground. Everybody knows that all major software defaults on grinding bones, so I also see absolutely no issue with this.
Turning it off breaks everything across the entire OS.
I hear - though I haven’t run Windows myself for like a decade:-P.
Would it be more like
Do you want to disable the ability to improve the bread richness and experience?
I thought they made beer with them ? Soulstorm and all