the water you drink probably has been in Hitlers mouth and probably contains dinosaur piss. do you care about that?
I used to wash the dishes, at least in Europe it’s standard to put all cutlery into 2 dishwashers and after that polish them with a very fine cloth. probably also in the us. (unless you don’t tip of course)
There is about 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liter of water on Earth. Lets say Hitler was a pretty good water drinker and on average he ingested 4 liter of water (not just in drinking but also in food). Hitler lived for about 20,454 days and would have ingested about 81,816 of water. Lets say you are a water superfan and live to be 100 years old, then there is a chance of 0.001185845% you will drink some of the water that Hitler drunk at some point.
So it’s probably not been in Hitlers mouth. Dinosaur piss I’ll leave as an exercise for the reader.
And let’s not even get into whether the water molecule is the same two Hs and O that it was when it was in Hitler’s mouth. Or, holy hell, what if his water became your muscles! Which, you know, is another possibility.
This assumes that all the water on the planet has been evenly mixed in about 80 years since Hitler’s death. I’d say if you’re living in New Zealand you’re likely a lot safer than if you have lived 80 years near germany. I assume the issue is less “Hitler rain” than Hitler ground water.
if this disturbs you, definitely don’t think about that public bathroom toilet seat
Or were your water comes from
Why? Whose mouth has it been in?!
Bro your fork was burried in fucking rocks and dirt with this logic
Universal comprehensive healthcare would help.
Every Drop you drink is contaminated or once was,… pee. And Mythbusters proofed that poop-dust is everywhere.
I’ll take “things I wasn’t actively considering and wished I could unlearn” for 1000, Alex.
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“Hurm hurm hurm, at my favorite restaurant? Hah! Scum like that can’t afford it!”
“What? Naw, we use disposable forks” at my favorite restieraunts"
Hmm… If we want to stretch something further… How do I know water that I drink is something new or clean instead of treated water, pure water or even perhaps dinosaur piss that has been filtered from underground soil long long time ago? 🤔😳
We go to different restaurants, you and me
thanks a lot brits
Our teeth are healthy, just crooked and not bizarrely white.
Edit; changed a word.
I don’t really mind this thought
What’s disturbing is the thought that there are some restaurants that we’ve al visited that may or may not have properly cleaned their utensils before giving them to you to use. Which means there is a tiny chance that the fork you use at a restaurant may have been in the mouth of the person in the picture.