I’ve done this. It works pretty well, no onion flavor.
I feel like this is bait. There’s no way this isn’t nasty.
I don’t think it would be nasty, the layer they used for this has no taste, but how does it stick?
Iirc, we used honey to stick it
that makes sense, but does it burn evenly?
might try
I think the side with the honey stayed long af, tbh, but I don’t really remember too well. It was a long ass time ago lol
I mean, it’s not my go to, but it wasn’t nasty
Do you only use the dry skin?
Yeah, just the outer most layer. You gotta be careful because it’s so crinkly it will break if you’re not careful. Stick it with honey
How’s the burn rate, does it canoe like a bitch?
they out here using “out here” two sentences in a row, smh my head
I’ll smoke a cock if it makes this cold go tf away.
I hope you’re willing to deliver because life has a strange way of taking you up on offers like that