If you are ever stuggling in life, you can always
shopliftsurprise civil asset forfeiture items from a corporate chain store. 😉But you run the risk of ~~ incarceration~~ surprise litteral slavery
Serfdom reinvented
The circle of life?
That sounds like of like the circular water cycle, which means… <insert gold medal in mental gymnastics>… the economy is therefore a liquid and trickle-down economics does in fact work.
Unless you live in a country with free education. Or borrow from a credit union. Or work as a contractor. Other that that, very Spot On.
If you’re living in country with free education you borrow money from poor people to get education to make rich people richer and make poor people poorer. Taxes are regresive.
Who are you making rich if you are self-employed? And how is you working making poor people poorer?
Where I’m from taxes are progressive…
It’s just typical americans thinking every democracy is run like their little dystopia.
Yeah, it seems to be very pronounced lately.
You borrow money from the country who takes it from every taxable entity in it so that everybody can get educated, become less of a burden for the social system, improve the lives of everyone on the country and not make dumb posts on the internet.
Life of Haiti
Not a meme
I really wish e,players had to give a valid justification for requiring a degree. So, any jobs require one for no damn reason other than elitism.
Too many spelling errors from a college student. I call shenanigans.