20-01-2025. This is a real image
Nah, this belongs in “ActuallyHorrifying”
Yeah I figured we had a year or two at least before slowly taking off the mask and showing the true fascism. This was just right out of the gate.
The nazis are wasting no time gloating.
Why not? There’s been no penalty. No widespread social ostracizing, no legal justice, no political punishment… This is who they are, and enough Americans are okay with that that they don’t have to pretend otherwise.
I guess don’t visit the new https://www.whitehouse.gov/ then.
Is that a fucking movie trailer? Wtaf
I wish I could say we just gotta wait 4 years but I wouldn’t believe if I said it. The US is past a fucking joke. Just… Fucking dammit…
Can we just go to the old whitehouse.com?
Careful. That sort of smut is banned in our free country.
Unless you use a VPN. Which they’re probably now targeting…
Whoa now. That’s crazy talk.
Next you’re going to tell me they want everyone to be registered online to our IDs so we can be tracked. I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸
And then you’d prolly suggest something wild like they are putting back doors in our encryption and communication networks so they can track us further … I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸🦅
I suppose then just for fun you’d toss in something utterly insane like keeping track of us with camera systems and arresting us using those cameras - purely on speculation alone… I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸🦅🫡
And you’d be an absolute comedian - Because what are we… some crazy country like all those bad ones we talk about? Nonono. Not only are we free - #Buy God™, we’re gonna save those kids. 🇺🇸🦅🫡🎇🎆🎇
(Yes the spelling was intentional)
You know what the worst part of this is? This run of western fascism doesn’t even have the aesthetics to make it palatable. That “seig heil” was so fucking uncoordinated it made the Australian break dancing lady look like a prima ballerina. Everyone is dressed like they bought clothes from the bargain bin at Ross. The decorations are giving mid-budget state fair.
We’re gonna be ethnically cleansed by old, poorly dressed, unatheltic losers 😭
At least the nazis had cool leather jackets
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Not designed by Hugo Boss. They were only one of many manufacturers (the main one ). It was designed by Karl Diebitsch.
I honestly don’t know if this is a real name or a joke.
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It doesn’t feel like you read your own thing
“An der Entwicklung der Schnittmuster für die Uniformen waren die Unternehmen nicht beteiligt.” “Im zentralen Fachblatt für die Uniformherstellung, dem “Uniformen-Markt” tauche das schwäbische Unternehmen “kein einziges Mal” auf.”"
Nobody denies that he was a Nazi, he just wasn’t a large manufacturer or high up in the party machinery.
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Nah, there’s gonna be bodies on both sides if they think they’re gonna try any of that shit. Something the KKK Nazi Russian Mafia lover fucks forgot, they aren’t the only ones packing heat.
My biggest fear now, is the Republicans trying to do something so outrageous, that someone of some importance finally fucking snaps. And there’s a legitimate coup. Like Military action on Panama or Greenland, that is legitimate civil war sparking stuff.
Palatable fascism based on looks?
Yeah. Fuck this take. You’re watering it down and fuck that viewpoint.
Both the censorship and promotion of specific art and aesthetics were a big part Hitler’s plans to make fascism palatable in Germany and Italy, if you take one art history course you’d know this. Many public works you can tour to this day in those countries come from that era.
This isn’t a support of fascism, it’s a critique on how empty and vapid the new technocratic class is and how that’s a reflection of our society in general at this moment.
Is this supposed to be funny, or are you a bot trying to normalize how fucked up this is?
Calling me a bot for a dark observation when I clearly state I’m one of the people slated to be in line for the ethnic cleansing sure is a choice. But I’ll explain my reasoning and give you the good faith you didn’t give me.
Art and aesthetics were a big part of Nazi Germany. Many Nazi Party Germans got to look at beautiful works of art and enjoy public works in the Greco-Roman style as they were supporting shipping of Jewish people and minorities to concentration camps. The technocrats this time around haven’t even given their supporters that. Instead we get infighting and outrage on social media.
That’s what my comment was making fun of.
Looked this up as I optimistically thought it might be an unfortunate still that looked nothing like a nazi salute on video, but nope.
Well, he must have fallen out of the headlines for a day.
I’m calling it, to keep outdoing himself he’s going to openly and seriously start suggesting nuking things.
“Mr. President, there was a nuclear detonation over Kiev”
“Did we do it?”
“No Sir, it seem to have been the Americans”
(obviously this conversation would be in Russian, but most of us here don’t speak/read Russian so here’s the English version)
- Don’t infantilise him. He’s not attention-starved, he’s a Nazi.
- Did everyone forget Trump already did that during his first term??? I am going absolutely insane. We know he will threaten to nuke anyone and everyone. And right now the odds aren’t looking good that he won’t actually do it. That’s my call. Nuclear war. People called me crazy in 2020 when I called Trump a fascist, and my worst predictions will be proven right again because everyone seems to be dead-set on downplaying the actions of these Nazi lunatics and acting surprised when they pull through with a Nazi promise which only emboldens them.
Trumps a fascist but I think he’s bluffing about nukes. He’s been consistently anti war since before entering politics and he knows he doesn’t want to be a king amongst rubble.
I think Trump is the kind of person who thinks the world is better off ending with him than going on without him. Nothing matters if he isn’t there to enjoy it; the true heart of narcissism.
I mean hes old AF, living his remaining 2 years in a luxuary presidential bunker isn’t that bad of a retirement plan.
Vance, however, probably doesn’t want to live decades in some bunker, so the only way to stop a crazy nuke-happy fascist seems to be a less crazy fascist (via 25th amendment). 🤦♂️
His anti-war stance such as… trying to incite a war with Iran, only failing to do so because his generals didn’t cooperate? Those same generals he now is going to get rid of because he hasn’t forgiven them for it? That anti-war stance?
The only times he’s anti-war is when it pisses off Obama and/or makes Putin happy.
- No, he seems attention starved. Maybe he’s a Nazi as well, or maybe he’s just okay with Nazis. Honestly, supporting them to get your rocks off might be worse than genuinely agreeing with them, so that’s not really letting him off the hook.
- Self-correction: Nuking people, maybe in a fellow NATO country. The hurricane thing was dumb but pretty much just dumb, Elon would have to go bigger to stay relevant.
I am actually speechless.
he adds “my heart goes out to you”, so it was actually just Elon being really fucking stupid again
Just… blatant. Plenty of time lingering on it. No cute pretending-to-fix-the-hair. Just an obvious, blatant nazi salute.
what was he saluting when he turned around? Trump? I cant find a better angle.
He’s saluting the crowd for their support
Some of the audience was behind him. He just really wanted to get the message across 😒
I wish. 😞
I litterly followed the same train But bro it’s undeniable
What a dumb fucking cunt. I hope he dies a terrible death. Rather sooner than later.
Let’s hope somebody pulls a Luigi one.
The world would be an objectively better place if someone took this subhuman scum out. Half a fucking trillion dollars and it’s still not enough for him. These scumbags always need more and more.
I’m betting on an overdose. Ketamine, cocaine, amphetamine… whatever the shit is, I’m not an expert.
Can we get him to hire Micheal Jackson’s old doctor?
Ideally in his malfunctioning Tesla for chefs kiss
Welp! I didn’t have “President gives Nazi salute” on my bingo card…
You didn’t?
Yeah, rookie mistakes given we already know who is elected.
He’s not the president.
Remember when everyone hated on regular Russian citizens for not forming a rebellious revolution against Putin and assassinating him in his sleep? For not shooting every Russian oligarch and everyone who rubber stamped the invasion of Ukraine? Remember when people called them cowards and “as good as nazis” for being complacent and not getting up and doing something about it?
Where are you keyboard warriors now that the USA needs you?
Just sayin’
✅ Luigi approved comment
The same people did nothing as the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and enabled Israel. They were never consistent.
If we’re being specific I’d say those people cheered on Iraq and Afghanistan as well. Bipartisan war hawks.
Shouldn’t be just saying, morons need harsh realities shoved in their face.
Being the best armed country in the world, the US is even worse for not following through
Living in a country that did something against putins predacessor and are now enjoying democracy as a result. This could be you.
With how .ml is fanboying Trump for saving TikTok right now, you lot would bitch if somebody assassinated the president anyway.
I yet have to see a post fanboying trump at all.
They literally banned someone for attacking Trump yesterday. You aren’t paying attention.
for attacking Trump
attacking him for what, I wonder
If somebody says “Trump is shitty”, and tankies throw a fit about that and ban them, I don’t need any more nuance than that. It isn’t the first time commies have worked hand-in-hand with nazis, and it won’t be the last.
IDK, I know a lot of neo-nazis who’d say ‘fuck trump’ in response to him being willing to work with Israel
Any time I see a lib complaining about being banned on .ml it’s almost always because they earned it by saying something xenophobic or reactionary
The person banned was a communist. He was banned for “defending” Biden by saying he was not worse than Trump.
But hey, I don’t really care what insane nonsense tankies spew on their own instances, if they wanna hug a nazi then that’s on them.
Not an ml, but I think it’s too simplistic to see things this black and white.
These select individuals just want to shoe horn in their ridiculous feud with .ml into every single comment they make.
We’re being real loose with the term ‘fanboy’ now, huh
no looser than tankies are with morals, huh
pot, kettle
Trump brought tiktok back but with more censorship. “Free Palestine” is now banned on TikTok. Last I checked .ml was still playing with RedNote.
The only good nazis are dead nazis.
One Nazi did not like your comment.
Edit: And mine!!!
Agreed. Same with genociders.
edit: say something bad about people in favor of genocide and a whole lot of democrats pull back and arent sure what to do. And that is why centrists lose elections. If being against genocide is a hard consideration for you, then you’ve already lost. It will always be that way, because a lot of Americans truly believe the legends we tell about ourselves, and those people wont click an election box for any genocider. Not now, not later.
The biggest reason we hate Nazis is because of their genocide.
Anyone generalizing entire group of people and wanting violent action against them is a nazi, no matter what symbol on the black and red flag.
So my wanting to punch nazis and genociders in the face makes me a nazi? Thats a cute theory. Id say people defending nazis and genociders – like you are doing here, are more likely to be nazis.
So people told me I was being an overdramatic dick when I pointed the multiple similarities between the rise of Hitler and Trump and how the Nazis are coming back.
They’re back, out and disgustingly proud.
I’ll be showing them the footage and awaiting their bullshittery gymnastics. Wonder how they will spin it.
So what is their reaction?
Why would they care about your gotchya?
In the meantime while everyone is looking at Elon Donald is signing executive orders to
- Grant top secret security clearances to White House staff without going through traditional vetting procedures.
- Open the Alaska wilderness to more oil and gas drilling.
- Eliminate environmental justice programs across the government, which are aimed at protecting poor communities from excess pollution.
- Move to end birthright citizenship, which is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, for the children of undocumented immigrants.
- Declare migrant crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border to be a national emergency
- Remove protections for transgender people in federal prisons.
- Ensure that states carrying out the death penalty have a “sufficient supply” of lethal injection drugs.
Ensure that states carrying out the death penalty have a “sufficient supply” of lethal injection drugs.
Some context: The EU has been sanctioning the US over this for decades now, first we stopped selling drugs they use to murder people to prisons, then we completely stopped exports, it has gotten so far as to stop exports of precursor chemicals. And it’s not like our pharma companies would mind they’re actively on the ball regarding this, they don’t want to be associated with it either.
If you want to be barbarians at least have the decency to not paralyse people while they die in abject agony but use a guillotine. Heck, firing squad or hanging are more humane than that injection stuff: Literally torturing people to death while making sure they can’t flail and scream.
I’m not saying there will be mass deportation, indefinite detainment, and possibly executions of unwanted people, but they sure are lining up for it. For example ramping up execution of sexual predators, while at the same time labelling LGBT and drag as being predators, just for existing near children…
Like if Elon is a nazi, then we may very well see a DOGE squad hunt down “un-American” people in the darkest timeline.
Just want to point out, executive orders are the easy part. All you need is control of the executive branch for that, and even then federal judges can block any orders they deem illegal (which will ultimately filter it’s way up to the Supreme Court) the real hard part is repealing acts of congress and even harder will be issuing new laws. That requires both the House and Senate to align their priorities and goals and agree on the specific legislation. This was an insurmountable challenge for the Republican party back in 2016-18 to the point where they were largely unable to pass any meaningful legislation
Remember the whole “repeal and replace Obamacare” thing?
What’s funny (not really) it’s the media calling it a “nazi style salute” or “a gesture that looked like a nazi salute”.
Their head is so far up their asses that they can’t even call it what it was.
It’s only a Nazi salute when it comes from the Nazi region of Germany. This is just sparkling hate.
That’s them saving their ass from the inevitable defamation suit.
Dude has a history of winning legal cases that any reasonable observer would say he has no business winning. The media is probably terrified of a defamation suit.
Ever think about what’s in the middle of a swastika?
Why is it backwards
Because dude isn’t up and familiar with Nazi stuff. Normal people don’t care to know.
I didn’t notice. I don’t know, it’s the first one in DuckDuckGo search lol
It is not. The swastika has 2 orientations with different meanings on multiple religions. The Nazi stole it and we can let it burn forever.
The version the Nazis used was the other way around
Musk went from being the Henry Ford of our times to the Henry Ford of our times.
I watched the clip assuming this was taken way out of context, nope, he did it twice…
Where are all the people that said calling the MAGA people NAZIs was disregarding the history of “real NAZIs” ?
Where are all those MFers now ?
They are busy responding to other comments on other social media saying saying “It’s because he is autistic, he was just stimming” or “He was showing how his heart goes out to them” or “It’s totally just the Roman solute, learn your history bro”
I’m p sure they’re all still stewing and complaining about the people who weren’t motivated to vote for a Republican campaign led by a Democrat.