Which shows how far along the EU is in terms of clean tech rollout. Also your numbers are from 2023. With more renewables, less coal and more gas German emissions should have fallen rather quickly.
Pro tip: These numbers are probably from Electricity Maps. That site is apparently run by nuclear fanboys who apply the very lowest gCO2e/kWh for nuclear that they could find. Otherwise, France (and Sweden) would have higher numbers somewhere in the 100-200 gCO2e/kWh range
6th highest emissions per kWh of electricity produced in EU (1): 380g per kWh.
US: 370g per kWh.
France: 56g per kWh.
Sweden: 40g per kWh.
Which shows how far along the EU is in terms of clean tech rollout. Also your numbers are from 2023. With more renewables, less coal and more gas German emissions should have fallen rather quickly.
Not great indeed. At least it’s getting better. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/38897/umfrage/co2-emissionsfaktor-fuer-den-strommix-in-deutschland-seit-1990/
Pro tip: These numbers are probably from Electricity Maps. That site is apparently run by nuclear fanboys who apply the very lowest gCO2e/kWh for nuclear that they could find. Otherwise, France (and Sweden) would have higher numbers somewhere in the 100-200 gCO2e/kWh range
2nd source (Eurostat and European Environment Agency) corroborates the first: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/analysis/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emission-intensity-of-1